Saturday, February 28, 2009

“It's just one more scam!"

TSGS Director Larry Goss got this in his email box and passed it on to us to watch out for this type of scam.

Dear Goss,

I will like to seek your help in a business proposal , which although is sensitive by nature and not what I should discuss with someone I don’t know and have not met using a medium such as this but I do not have a choice .

I am Mr. Eric Mack, personal attorney to late Dr. Edward Goss, who died of a cardiac arrest a few years ago leaving behind a large sum of money with a commercial bank in the Island of Seychelles which is a tax free zone, a place where plenty of rich people tend to hide away funds not ready to be used or invested. I will not mention the amount of money which runs into several millions in United States Dollars and name of bank presently until we have agreed to deal. I trust you will understand the need for such precautions.

So far, valuable efforts has been made to get to his people but to no avail, as he had no known relatives more because he left his next of kin column in his account opening forms blank and he has no known relative. Due to this development the bank has come forward to ask us as his personal attorneys to bring forward a close relative to claim the funds otherwise as the Seychelles national laws would have it, any dormant account for five years will be declared unclaimed and then paid into the government purse.

To avert this negative development my colleagues and I have decided to look for a reputable person to act as the next of kin to late Dr. Goss. So that the funds could be processed and released into his account, which is where you come in. my law firm will also act as your personal attorneys since we will be portraying you as being directly related to our late client being from the same country.

All legal documents to aid your claim for this fund and to prove your relationship with the deceased will be provided by us. Your help will be appreciated with 30% of the total sum which I would disclose in my next email Please accept my apologies, keep my confidence and disregard this letter if you do not appreciate this proposition I have offered you.

I wait anxiously for your response.

Yours Faithfully,
Eric Mack

Friday, February 27, 2009

NEWS FLASH... Murray, KY Man Develops Major Invention of Recent Times!

I loosely say “recent times” as most of this man's inventions came in the 1890's through the early 1900's; however, his inventions: the radio and the electric battery and his many other developments have made it possible for the further creations of telephones, television, cell phones, the Internet and much, much more. I suspect everyone of us that, at least, attended the fifth grade in school knows that a man named Marconi is given credit for inventing the radio and TV, and more.

Well that is not quite correct... a Calloway County, Kentucky farm boy by the name of Nathan B. Stubblefield grew up to invent the radio and much more. The first known radio broadcast was in 1892 by “Old Nate” about 33 years old (this when Marconi was only 18 years old!). In fact, after failing to get a timely patent on his invention (to work out the “bugs” and attempt to better perfect the “wireless” radio), Stubblefield still has the first patent on the invention of the radio, but the delay allowed others to take the credit and rake in the fortunes for its use.

Nathan is another American “hero” who received little recognition or compensation for his major contribution to the world. He died, alone, of starvation in 1928 in a dirt-floored shack!

Don Counts sent me this link to write this article: “A Man of Sorrow and Defeat” by Joe Aaron of the Evansville Courier. Here is another story found in the Browning Online Database: “Bill Drury Wants to Preserve Kentucky's Broadcast History” by Sandra Knipe 29 Oct 1987 Evansville Courier. Google or Yahoo “Nathan B. Stubblefield” for a lot of very authoritative and interesting articles on this basically unknown great inventor and his other ideas and inventions! - Written by JGWest

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tombstone Thursday - Donald Bilderback

This grave marker is a piece of very hard rubber or slate about 5 inches by 5 inches nailed to a piece of a wooden board. I found it just lying on the ground near a large tree in Section 44 of Oak Hill Cemetery in Evansville, IN. It is in the approximate location of the grave: Section 44, Row 2, Grave 2. It simply states: "Donald Bilderback b. Mar. 3, 1916 d. Mar. 30, 1917" neatly printed on with a white paint. He was born in Oakland City, Indiana and died of Bronchial Pneumonia according to the online cemetery burial record. This little marker may have been part of a wooden cross at one time.

Photo taken & submitted by JGWest

[Tombstone Thursday is dedicated in memory of Donald G. West 1952-2000]

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

From the FIRST MATE's

TSGS Seminar 1994

(Click to enlarge)How many in the photo can you name? There are 12 people sitting at this table, next Wednesday we will reveal the names (or as many as we can identify!).

This photo was taken and submitted by Brenda Joyce Jerome, CG.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Genetic DNA News

I have not included much DNA news lately... so, I have quite a bit to add today! First here is a listing of the major DNA laboratories: Company Contact Information Below: Family Tree DNA FTDNA - Relative Genetics RG - DNA Heritage DNAH - EthnoAncestry EA or ET - DNA TribesDNA-T - Molecular Genealogy Foundation SMGF - Oxford Ancestors OA - GenTree gen tree GeneBaseGB - Trace Genetics Division of DNA Print TGD - Argus Bio mtDNA studies onlyAB - DNA Print - DNAP

And here is a YDNA (YSTRs & others) COMPANY COMPARISON CHART used in genealogy studies of surname groups... these markers will give you your haplotype but only estimate your haplogroup.

The main labs all have 32 markers in common which can be considered the "basic 32" in genetic genealogy. Many people want to at least make sure they know which are the most commonly tested.

*I advise that it is best to aim to test at least these 32.*

The main 32 are of course (in groups of five so you can count them):-DYS385 (2 parts), 388, 389I and II; 390, 391, 392, 393, 394(19); 426, 437, 438, 439, 442; 447, 448, 449, 454, 455; 456, 458, 459 (2 parts), 460; H4, 464 (4 parts); YCAII (2 parts). All of the above, plus a lot more comes from Nelda L. Percival at the link at the beginning of this article on RootsWeb.

Here is a great chart comparing most of the above companies as to what markers are tested for each test: You can print chart at 60% landscape to get the first 80 markers which will cover the most significant markers. If you know how to allow background to be printed from "Advanced" Internet options, check it so that you get the color lines to help you follow across the long chart.

Here is a mtDNA cost comparison chart:

From: DNA-NEWBIE@yahoogroups.com3a. Re: Where to start.... Posted by: "jhunter99" broncowarrior Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:12 am (PST)

Here are some tips that might be useful:
* Upload your results wherever you can so you can compare to the results of others and them with you. FamilyTreeDNA<> is good, as is Sorenson<> and YBase<> just to mention a few. * There are many surname projects, if you are not a member of one then join one. Again search your testing organization site, other testing organization sites or Yahoo Groups. * There are also specific surname projects, here is a link to my paternal line discussion group and the analysis that is going on there. <>

* Don't worry about the name just read the explanations. If you don't have something similar for your surname then start one. * Make sure you also have a paper record and it is published. The point is to use the genetic record to fill the gaps in the paper record. Rootsweb <> is good and is free. * Make your search systematic, starting with what you know. Find a distanced male line cousin and get them to do the test. Build the tree that links you and find the common male ancestor. Was there a mutation? Where did it happen? Then push it out further. * You must have at least the 37 marker test, anything less is just too general. * Does someone have a close match to you at 37, say one marker off? Find your common ancestor. What about two markers off? Find you common ancestor, he has to be back there somewhere. * Be prepared for surprises in particular the "non-paternal event." They really are very common. * Know your haplogroup; there is no point talking to anyone about ancestors who doesn't at least match that. [End "jhunter99" advice.]

And, finally, The FTDNA West Surname y-DNA Group #5 (of 28 groups) will hold our second DNA Family Reunion on 22-24 May 2009 in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. - Information compiled by JGWest

Monday, February 23, 2009

"1917 Naturalizations in Evansville"

The Evansville newspapers are chock full of information. The following article on recent newly naturalized citizens appeared in the 17 February 1917 issue of the Evansville Courier.

Citizenship Sought By Six

Five Germans and one Swiss applied for naturalization papers in superior court yesterday. The number is the largest for a single day ever recorded by Naturalization Clerk Herman H. Holtmann and is thought to be the largest number reported in a single day since the civil war.

Joseph Heggin, age 40, who came to this city about 11 years ago from Canada, is the first native of Switzerland to apply for citizenship papers at the local naturalization bureau for several years.

Heggin, a blacksmith living at 12 Florida street, was born at Menzingen, Switzerland, and sailed from Havre, France Apr. 24, 1905 for Canada, but a few months later came to the United States, which he had heard was a better country in which to live. This assertion was the truth in every respect, according to the Swiss when he applied for his citizenship papers.

Several different lines of trades were represented by the five Germans applying for naturalization. John Christian Ambacher, age 52, a minister at Inglefield, applied for his first papers after living in this country for 46 years under the impression that he was an American because of his youth when he arrived in this country form Germany with his parents.

George Adam Trapp, 61 years old, a farmer of Armstrong township, came to America in 1859 from his birthplace, Doernbach, Germany, but only recently discovered that he is still a German subject.

Henry Rosenberger, age 65, park custodian, has lived in America as a German subject since 1860, when he came to this country from Bremen. His present address is 811 St. Joseph avenue.

Bernard Diedrich, 56 years old, a collar maker living at 110 East Franklin street, left Hanover, Germany, the place of his birth in 1863.

The fifth laborer, Michael Darling, age 60, of 201 State street, came to America in 1880 from Schneidermill.

The six applicants and many others, including Henry Reis, president of the Old State National Bank and one of the most prominent business men in the city, will be heard by Judge Hostetler of the superior court on March 7, the next naturalization day. - Submitted by Brenda Joyce Jerome, CG

Sunday, February 22, 2009

“TSGS 4-H Genealogy Project Award”

(click on photos to enlarge)

Last night Becky & I went to Boonville, Indiana to present the TSGS “Glenda K. Trapp Memorial Award” (photo above – click on photos to enlarge) at the Warrick County 4-H Achievement Banquet. The county has a committee that selects winners in a lot of different categories based on their 4-H participation and other activities in the community, school and other organizations.

In the above photo I am presenting the award certificate to this year's winner, Tyler Kroeger. She happen to be the Division 2 County Champion last year and received a Special Merit Award for her notebook exhibit at the Indiana State Fair. I judged her exhibit on the county level and thought it was excellent. I judged Division 3 exhibits at the State Fair and was pleased to see how well she had done at the state.

The above photo is a posed photo after the banquet to get a nice keepsake photo for our regular TSGS web page and for her (and her mother) to keep. TSGS has been presenting this award to several southwest Indiana county 4-H members over the last 25 years. I encouraged TSGS to provide this award and I have served as the TSGS 4-H Coordinator ever since... a job that I enjoy and feel it is an honor to get to meet and recognize these outstanding 4-H members.

This last photo is for another award that I present to 4-H members from the Indiana Society Sons of the American Revolution. I serve as the State Chair of the 4-H Youth Awards Committee. This young lady, Jean Ann Scarafia, won the SAR Outstanding Citizenship Award Pin. I am wearing the SAR member's badge on the neck ribbon and on my tie I am also wearing my “I Love Genealogy” pin and to even things out I wore my Indiana State Fair Judge Pin. - Compiled by JGWest

Photos taken by: Certificate - JGWest, Award Presentation - Dale Downey, TSGS Award Winner - Tyler's brother, SAR Award Winner - Tom Neeley.