Friday, September 11, 2009



Re-Cap of our
September TSGS meeting
(and other items)...

We had about 20 people show up to our first meeting of the year. During old business I previewed our TSGS Cruiser Blog & the TSGS Web Site to remind members that this is a source of the society's information and news. I wanted the members to realize that there is quite a large number of people outside our membership that follow the blog. I asked for members to submit items for the blog... so, we can have a variety of articles, photos, stories, research tips, etc. By the way, anyone may submit anything they wish to be considered for publication on the blog. Things that we are mostly looking for are items related to genealogy or history with emphasis on the tri-state area. We have weekly features such as: "Monument Monday," "From the First Mate's Photo Album" and "Tombstone Thursday." Some features are published as needed such as this one the "Captain's Log" for TSGS News. Others include: "Staying Afloat in the Gene Pool - Genetic DNA News;" "Racing Down the River - Brief Genealogical Notes;" "Dock at the Library - TSGS Meetings/Events"or "Navigating Along the River - Research Tips." One that we will use from time to time is "RIVER DEBRIS –TSGS Dock of Shame" that have discussed cemetery vandalism & theft. Take a look at the variety of things on the blog and send in your submissions!

It was announced that the father of Willard Library's maintenance man, Mike, had died recently. Long time genealogist and SAR member (former TSGS member) Gordon Tierney passed away this year and within his estate were many genealogical papers, reference books, etc. that were donated by his family to Willard Library. I knew that I was leaving someone out at the meeting... former TSGS officer, Sue Newcom just lost her husband last month. We send our prayers and condolences to the families of those who have now moved on to be with their ancestors.

It was very good to see Larry Goss who has had an eventful year with a stroke being the worse. He is doing very well, in fact, he and Rena are going overseas to tour around and then go see their son. Our Treasurer Bettie Cook was too sick to attend Tuesday's meeting and after a Doctor's visit yesterday, she will be in the hospital for a cardiac conversion procedure that she has had once before. It should be routine and she will be home tonight or tomorrow. Keep her in your prayers.

We tried something kind of new by having two discussion groups instead of a single speaker giving a presentation. The discussions groups focused on German research and cemeteries. Both were great successes! We will have more of these in the future. It is a great way to get more to participate and to ask questions to learn what they need to know. Give us your feedback on what you think of these discussion groups.

Connie Conrad gave a review of the newer Family Tree Maker (FTM) software by the versions for 2009 & 2010 are totally different from the FTM program most of us know. Connie stated that at the Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) conference there were warnings concerning this new changes in FTM.

Bettie Cook sent her Treasurer's report to me for presentation at the meeting. We are beginning the year with a very healthy balance of $10,091.64. Of course the members' quarterly journal, the Tri-State Packet will consume a major portion of that for publishing and postage. Bettie's report was very professionally completed - it will be filed for audit at the end of our fiscal year in June. Last year we finished the year with 303 paid members. This year at the beginning, we are starting with 345 paid members! We exchange journals with 55 organizations... these journals are available at Willard Library and our exchanged journal is placed in the libraries of these other organizations. Last year, we figured that we needed 333 members to break even on the dues collected and cost of providing the quarterly to members. We had discussed the possibility of raising dues... we decided to keep the dues as it is at only $12 per year. We are already slightly above that break even point and there are a few more memberships that have arrived at the library... we typically get new members and renewals all year long with an estimate of a total of 370+ members by the end of the year.

The September issue of the Tri-State Packet should arrive in member's mail box early next week. Remember anyone (member or not) can submit items for the Tri-State Packet, the TSGS Cruiser Blog or the Web Site. On the Web Site we are looking for photos of TSGS meetings & events (old or new) and useful genealogical links to resources on the Internet.

John G. West, TSGS President

We shall NEVER forget! "Lets Roll!" 11 Sep 2001

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tombstone Thursday - Fisher


Private First Class Jewell Ray Fisher
Oak Hill Cemetery
Evansville, Indiana

PFC Fisher was killed in action in Korea during the Korean War on 25 April 1953 according to the Browning Obituary Database. Note the photo (damaged) with him in uniform and the flag dangling around the staff in a horizontal position. You can just barely see the stars in the flag.

- Photo taken & submitted by JGWest

[Tombstone Thursday is dedicated in memory of Donald G. West 1952-2000]

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

From the FIRST MATE's


TSGS Monthly Meeting
08 Sep 2009 at Willard Library...

[Please click on thumbnails to enlarge the photos]

Don Counts is getting some individual help from Lyn Martin. We have eliminated the 6:30 PM HELP Sessions due to declining attendance and have emplemented individual research assistance. Program Chair, Mary Lou Bevers, asks that people bring their information on their research with them and volunteers will provide assistance to help you with your research... this will be for beginners through advanced researchers - we can all use some help getting over those "brick walls!" Contact Mary Lou if you would like to be a volunteer to help others.

Program Chair Mary Lou Bevers explaining the new approach for genealogical learning at our meetings. This year's theme is "A little something for everyone." Then she conducted a lecture on "Basics & Beyond."

Connie Conrad lead a discussion group about "Cemetery & Funeral Homes." They had some interesting stories and problems with what is "carved in stones!"

The discussion group for "German Research" was lead by Karin Kirsch, as you might suspect this group really had the questions and participated with a great deal of interest. [Photo above & below.]

Below is another photo of Connie's group showing Karin's group in the background.

The discussion groups seemed to be a very big hit! We had problems getting them to break up so we could get ready to leave for the night. That's the kind of problems we like to have. This was our first attempt at discussion groups after the business meeting and if this is a typical example of the interest, we have a nice new learning tool!
- Photos taken & submitted by JGWest

Tuesday, September 8, 2009



Reminder of tonight's meeting...

Monthly Meeting of the
Tri-State Genealogical Society -

Willard Library - Second Floor
08 Sep 2009

6:30 PM Individual Research Assistance (Bring your information)
7:30 PM Regular Monthly Meeting
Program: "Basics & Beyond" - Mary Lou Bevers
Discussion Groups: "German Research" - Karin Kirsch
OR "Cemetery & Funeral Homes" - Connie Conrad

John G. West
TSGS President

Monday, September 7, 2009

Marker/Plaque/Monument Monday

[Click on photos to enlarge the image]

Happy Labor Day!

Today's Plaque is located at the LST 325 display - docked on the Ohio River near Evansville's Waterworks Plant.
The photo below is of the LST 325 docked at Evansville, IN. During World War II many of these were built in Evansville.

The first thought was that this should be saved for Veterans Day or even Memorial Day, but decided that Labor Day is a good day to post this, since Evansville area men & women labored hard to build these war ships. The plaque itself honors those who served aboard these LST's... today we honor those who built the LST's, as well.

- Photos taken by Linda L Young-Niemeier

Sunday, September 6, 2009



Just a Reminder...


Monthly Meeting of the
Tri-State Genealogical Society -

Willard Library - Second Floor
08 Sep 2009
6:30 PM Individual Research Assistance (Bring your information)
7:30 PM Regular Monthly Meeting
Program: "Basics & Beyond" - Mary Lou Bevers
Discussion Groups: "German Research" - Karin Kirsch
OR "Cemetery & Funeral Homes" - Connie Conrad
John G. West
TSGS President