Saturday, December 5, 2009

From My Mother's Scrapbook

My mother, Bernadine Long West, saved newspaper clippings and all sorts of interesting things. I came across some of her scrapbooks yesterday. What a collection of obituaries, stories, events, etc. She often added notes of how she was connected to that particular clipping. This feature will show-up when I do not have anything in particular to post here. I will call it "From My Mother's Scrapbook" and it will be dedicated to Mom.

Willard Library has long been associated with "The Lady in Gray" ghost and this newspaper clipping is the photo that accompanied an article by Marilou Berry in the Evansville Couier & Press (Sunday 06 Oct 1985)... "Maybe Ghost at Willard Just Enjoys a Good Book."

Miss Margaret (as all would call her - was the Children's Librarian) appears as a ghost in the photo while past Head Librarian, Willard Library Director Don Baker, reads about ghosts! Margaret Maier graduated with my mother at Evansville Central High School in 1939.

- Compiled by JGWest

[Dedicated to the memory of my mother, Bernadine Long West (1921-1997)]

Friday, December 4, 2009


The Tri-State
Genealogical Society
officers invite everyone

to our Christmas Social this coming Tuesday night (December 8th.) at Willard Library. Come & go as you please between 7:00PM & 8:30PM. If you wish you can bring some cookies, dip & crackers, cheese ball or other snacks. We will have fruit punch prepared by Bettie Cook. This is an informal event to enjoy each others fellowship and exchange ideas & problems concerning genealogy (or whatever) while enjoying some great snacks. You do not need to be a member to attend.

John G. West, TSGS President

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tombstone Thursday - McKinnis


Oak Hill Cemetery
Evansville, Indiana
Section 62, Lot 117, Graves 1 & 2
Claude & Emma McKinnis

- Photos taken & submitted by JGWest

[Tombstone Thursday is dedicated in memory of Donald G. West 1952-2000]

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

From the FIRST MATE's


Union Soldiers buried in...
Rose Hill Cemetery
Newburgh, Indiana

(Click on photos to enlarge the image)
- Photos taken & submitted by Brenda Joyce Jerome

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cyndi's List

Cyndi's List? What in the world is that?

What is Cyndi's List?
A categorized & cross-referenced index to genealogical resources on the Internet.
A list of links that point you to genealogical research sites online.
A free jumping-off point for you to use in your online research.
A "card catalog" to the genealogical collection in the immense library that is the Internet.
Your genealogical research portal onto the Internet since 1996!

When I first started being active on the Internet with my first web sites back in 1996, I began with Larue County, Kentucky for the new network called the KYGenWeb Project. Soon the project expanded to become a the USGenWeb Project. Late 1996 or early 1997, a housewife by the name of Cyndi Howell asked if us KYGenWeb folks would consider listing our sites on her site called Cyndi's List. We all wanted as many people to come to our sites as possible... so most was happy to have her list our sites. I visited her "list" and was impressed because she had about ten thousand (10,000) links to all kind of things related to genealogy & history. She had at least 40-50 categories with some really cool sites listed. I wrote to her requesting her to link my Larue County site and mentioned that we had an adoption site. She wrote back that she visited the adoption site and had just started a new category - "Adoption" and Becky's was one of the first five listed.

Today, Cyndi's List contains 257,600 in 180+ categories, 9,520+ new & un-categorized for a total of 267,130+ links for family history! Visit her site:

- Compiled by JGWest

Monday, November 30, 2009

Marker/Plaque/Monument Monday

Willard Library Flag Pole & Dedication Plaque...
Please click on photos to enlarge the image. Because of the flowered foliage, the date is hidden. The last line partially covered states: "Dedicated October 1, 1989."
Below: A few years ago before one of the Sat. morning Ohio Valley Chapter, the library staff (on duty that morning) did not know how to put the flag at half mast. So, our Color Guard members did the honors of putting the flag at half mast. It had been ordered by the Mayor for a funeral of a young soldier that had been killed in the war.
SAR members (L-R): J.D. Stouth, Don Counts, Ken Gilkey.
- Photos taken by Chris Myers

Sunday, November 29, 2009

General Thomas Posey Grave Dedication (2004)

[This would normally have been posted on Thursday in the regular weekly feature "Tombstone Thursday," except that was Thanksgiving Day... so, I am posting this today. Click on photos for larger images.]

General Thomas Posey (name sake for Posey County, Indiana) is buried in Shawneetown, Illinois. The Illinois Society Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) invited the Gen. Thomas Posey Chapter of the Indiana Society to provide a Color Guard for the Grave re-dedication ceremony on 16 Oct 2004. Robert Hall & I being members of that chapter, as well as, the Ohio Valley SAR Chapter answered the call with another member of the OVC Color Guard. It was a cold windy, but sunny day!
Photo of the new marker dedicating Gen. Posey's tomb... many may not know that he was Lt. Governor of Kentucky, a Governor of the Indiana Territory, a Louisiana Senator, an Indian Agent & an Aide-De-Camp to General George Washington during the Revolutionary War. He died of typhus fever on 19 Mar 1818 and is buried in Westwood Cemetery.
Members of the Ohio Valley SAR Chapter Color Guard (L-R): Robert Hall, Ruth Hall, Wil Teague (Capt. of the Guard), Becky West, John G. West (carrying the 13-Star "Betsy Ross" Flag).
Will Teague & John West posing by the tomb of Gen. Thomas Posey.
One of my SAR friends, Wade Harshman, posted on Facebook for me... a link to Wikipedia for Gen. Thomas Posey, I have incorporated some of its information in this blog. Thanks, Wade! Here is the link for more info on General Posey.

- Photos submitted by JGWest
[Tombstone Thursday is dedicated in memory of Donald G. West 1952-2000]