Friday, April 2, 2010

TSGS Officer Resignation

This morning I officially accepted the resignation of Brenda Jerome as TSGS Recording Secretary and her various committee assignments. I regret that she felt this necessary... she had made a lot of contributions to the society and she will be missed. We all wish her luck in all of her future endeavors.

John G. West, TSGS President

Thursday, April 1, 2010

"Hostile Take-Over"


The Society President announces today that he has halted a vicious take-over attempt of the society...

It seems that the "Grey Lady" Ghost at Willard Library demonized an older library employee and an old maid socialite into making a bid to make a hostile take-over of the society in order to control who has access to the society storage closet and how long they can use it.

Although the allegations are serious, the police nor TV's Ghost Hunters have been called in.



Could not resist using the Grey Lady of Willard Library in an April Fool's Day gag. Last night on TV, the show "Ghost Hunters" aired a re-run of their investigation of Willard Library possible haunting by the "Grey Lady." And although there seems to be a lot of control issues of our society's storage closet, I do not think anyone would make an attempt to do anything hostile about it. This is just for fun! ;^)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


At yesterday's TSGS Board Meeting, it was decided, at the invitation of Willard Library, to Co-Sponsor the Tree Roots Workshop later this fall.

The 2010-11 Nominating Committee appointments were announced by the President: Brenda Jerome (Chair), Don Counts, Bettie Cook & Doug Korb. They will soon be asking members to serve in offices.

The Board will recommend at the May regular membership meeting that we will change the meeting start time from 7:30 PM to 7:00 PM in order for the library to close up a little earlier. If accepted by the members present this will begin at our September meeting the first meeting for 2010-11.

Come join us at our April 13th. Dinner Meeting at Sirloin Stockade on Bellemeade near Green River Road. Harold Morgan (Historian, Speaker, Author) will present "EVANSVILLE DURING THE DEPRESSION."

John G. West, TSGS President

Monday, March 29, 2010

"Then & Now, But Not Here!"

Don Counts sent me this and even though it is not of the tri-state area, it can give you a glimse of life back in 1900-1910...
1906 San Francisco Street Car film - AMAZING!

This is well worth viewing and filmed 4 days before the '06 earthquake. You'll appreciate the research that it took to date this film so be sure to read this first.....

Here's a neat opportunity to enjoy some time travel. The film is from a streetcar traveling
down Market Street in San Francisco , four days before the big earthquake/fire that destroyed the area. You can clearly see the clocktower at the end of the street at the Embarcadero wharf that's still there... The quality & detail is great, so be sure to view it full screen. The film, was originally thought to be from 1905 until David Kiehn with the Niles Essanay Silent Film Museum figured out exactly when it was shot. From New York trade papers announcing the film showing to the wet streets from recent heavy rainfall & shadows indicating time of year & actual weather and conditions on historical record, even when the cars were registered (he even knows who owned them and when the plates were issued!). It was filmed only four days before the quake and shipped by train to NY for processing. Amazing but true!

Click on, or copy/paste:

Across the bottom are 14 more related videos that are quite interesting. as well. It is neat to view second the same trip down the same street 100 years later! San Fransico Market Street 2005.

- Submitted by Donald R. Counts

Sunday, March 28, 2010

TSGS Annual Dinner Meeting


13 Apr 2010
Annual Dinner Meeting

Sirloin Stockade, 4610 Bellemeade Ave.

5:30-6:30 p.m. Dinner & Fellowship

6:30 p.m. Welcome Remarks & Awards

7:00 p.m. Program


presented by Mr. Harold Morgan, Historian.

[Click this photo to see the blank Certificate!]

About 25 years ago I suggested that we give Certificates of Appreciation to TSGS members for promoting the society, genealogy or other related activities. Usually the President of TSGS prepares these certificates with signatures, dates and recipient's name. This year Karin Kirsch was the TSGS President and was passing out the certificates to several deserving members. Mary Lou Bevers was being recognized, but the certificate was blank... e veryone got a big laugh out of it and later the signatures, date & Mary Lou's name was inscribed! Click on the photo to get an enlarged view of that blank certificate.
I asked Edna Kasper (a former TSGS President & dear friend) to help me design the original certificate. People in the photo: standing - Karin Kirsch; seated with certificate is Mary Lou Bevers with her husband Jim looking over her shoulder; in the background just above the certificate you can see Marge Kinsey (another former TSGS President, now deceased) with Doris Katterhenry seated next to her; then seated across from Mary Lou is Janet Goebel (recently deceased) with her husband. -Submitted by JGWest