Saturday, September 4, 2010

From the FIRST MATE's


Here is a photo of my youngest son,
James William Warner West.

James got 3 given names since his two older brothers got my middle name (Phillip Gregory West) and my first name (John Jefferson West). I ran out of names to give a third son from me, so we just ended up naming him after all of my other ancestors: (Warner West... my grandfather); (William Wood, William Ellis West, William Huff, William Allen Kimble, William Allen, William Lewis, William Haynes, William Gardner, William H. Woodis, William Allen Long [this William was my Uncle Bill, Mom's brother, who died not long before James was born]) and (James Tobias Long & James Henry Wood).

Interestingly, the lady in the oval frame over James' right shoulder (left side in this photo) is Donna Isabelle Mayes who married James Henry Wood. James Henry Wood is buried in St. Joseph Cemetery in Evansville and except for my mother & father is the only ancestor buried in Evansville and in Indiana!

- Photo taken on James' 32nd. Birthday - 2010 by JGWest

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

From the FIRST MATE's


The Frog Follies was in town...
with over 4,000 street rod cars in and about everywhere this past weekend. Linda Young-Niemeier took photos of these cool vehicles while the members of the Scott Township Fire Department collected for the MDA!
Jeff Niemeier is collecting a donation from the driver of this great car! Below is a poster to identify the workers for MDA along that intersection. (Click on photos to get a larger, clearer image.)

Love this yellow fender/hood view showing the open louvres! Below is a Scott Township Fire Department member waiting on cars to stop and make a donation to MDA. Henry Ford once remarked that consumers could buy any color car they wanted as long as it was black! ;)
Below Jenny Griesmer is getting donations from this bright yellow street rod.
The following colorful modified pre-1949 street rods were photographed by JGWest.
I believe that the above was the greenest of all of the cars I saw at the 4-H Center. The beautiful car below has a unique water wave with its patriotic stars & stripes!
There were many orange colored cars, but this was one of my favorites.
This one had a very nice mini-rod duplicate... only the engine on the mini-car was more "souped-up" than the original.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

From the FIRST MATE's


Former TSGS President, Don Counts, recently had the honor to present an award to Vanderburgh County Sheriff Eric Williams. As the Editor of the City-County Observer, Don presented the award on behalf of the newspaper. The John F. Kennedy Club of Vanderburgh County held its 3rd annual JFK Family Fun Day on Saturday, 28 Aug 2010, at Burdette Park with over 500 in attendance. Dan Kisner, Staff Artist of CCO drew the caricature (below) of Sheriff's Williams favorite law enforcement character... Barney Fife from the Andy Griffith TV show. The Chairman of the Board of the City-County Observer, Ron Cosby made brief remarks before introducing Don to make the presentation.
Sheriff Eric Williams
City-County Observer
Outstanding 2009 Public Servant of the Year
For more information about CCO and the JFK Fun Day read the article by Ralph Edwards:
- Photo taken by Nikki Ervin and submitted by Don Counts (Copyright by City-County Observer & Dan Kisner - 2010)

Monday, August 30, 2010

From My Email Box - "Links!"


From TSGS member Kay Lant:
Dave Van Bibber has added 141 photos to his Picasa Web Album "Evansville, Indiana in days of old."


Reminder: our next TSGS Meeting is the second Tuesday of September (13 Sep 2010) beginning at 7:00 PM. Guest Speaker will be Kenneth Gilkey of the Ohio Valley Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution. He will speak about the capture of Ft. Sackville (Vincennes, IN) by George Rogers Clark during the Revolutionary War.