Tuesday, October 5, 2010



One of my favorite local speakers will be presenting one of his best programs: "The Legend of Washington Irving." Robert N. Hall will give the program for our October TSGS meeting. I heard this program nearly 20 years ago and can not wait to hear it again. In the program, Bob tells us about this famous author and then discribes two of his best remembered classics: Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hallow. Bob dresses as Ichabod Crane to give the whole program some character!

12 October 2010
Speaker: Robert Hall, "The Legend of [Author] Washington Irving" with glimses of Rip Van Winkle & The Legend of Sleepy Hollow with Ichabod Crane.
I would like to invite anyone interested in hearing this program or interested in researching their family history to come to this meeting that begins at 7:00 PM at Willard Library on the 2nd. floor. You do not need to be a member to attend our meetings.
John G. West, TSGS President

Sunday, October 3, 2010

"Race Horses or Tracks of Land"

On 20 Sep 2010, I had some fun with listing a number of tracks of land that belonged to the Wheatley family that sounded like names of race horses!

Today I found some more of these land tracks that could be good race horse names. These came from Robert West of Harford County, Maryland between about 1700 thru 1770. In 1704, he patented 78 acres of "Poor Man's Beginning." Then 500 acres called "Westwood" and 400 acres of "Maiden Mount" that was later called "Bald Friar." I like "Daniel's Neglect" (75 acres) & "Dear Bought and Nothing Got!" Then there was "Paradise" & "West's Addition." He sold "Gash's Purchase" to Thomas Gash in 1740... was it named after it was sold?

Son, Robert West, Jr. continued the tradition with "West's Beginning" and "New Westwood." Later, "West's Long Acre" and "West's Double Cost."

I just realized that this naming of tracks of land, just may be a family thing. Like Mom's Wheatley's & Dad's West families they named the 7.5 acre track of land we lived on when I was growing up in north eastern Warrick County, Indiana. Dad used part of his middle name, Glennis, and the last part of Mom's name, Bernadine, to make the name "Glenadine Acres!"

- Compiled by JGWest