Wednesday, December 8, 2010

TSGS Christmas Social


Christmas Holiday Social

The Tri-State Genealogical Society will host an informal Christmas Holiday Season Social at Willard Library (second floor) on Tuesday night 14 December 2010. Come & go as you please, we will be here from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. Refreshments & fellowship... good time to ask someone a research question! There will be several little items given as attendance gifts - must be present to win. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

John & Becky West

P.S.: I apologize for not posting much lately... besides not having much time, I have not felt well and then I fell down at work. I did not break anything, except my pride! I have been sore for over a week with one shoulder that wants to give me a lot of pain. I am ok and blessed to not have been injured enough to need medical attention! JGW