Saturday, February 19, 2011

Brief Genealogical Notes

From Peggy Newton (Willard Library Staff): "The link is> Go to 'Tri-State Genealogical Society' on the lefthand-side list, click, then go to bottom of page. The newsletter should download as pdf file." Great newsletter written/edited by Peggy. Great job, Peggy. The current issue mentions: " What’s new…New Computers & Microfilm Scanners. You may have noticed some changes on our floor. We’ve recently purchased two new computers and two new Canon 300 ii microfilm readers/scanners.There should be fewer mechanical breakdowns and interruptions due to refilling paper or toner. If you haven’t tried using the new readers, don’t let them intimidate you. One of our staff members will be happy to show you how they work." I used the new system today and they were great; and, as Peggy reported, the staff was happy to teach me how to use it... if I can do it anyone can. Poor Vannetta was stuck with having to teach me... she is patient and a good teacher!

From the Hart County Kentucky Genealogy Interest Group (powered by Ruth Rogers passed along an interesting site that works like wikipedia--but is for genealogy! The site is called Encyclopedia of Genealogy, a free-content encyclopedia created by its readers. The Encyclopedia of Genealogy is available to everyone, free of charge. Everyone can also contribute information. Check it out:

From Pat Sides (Willard Library Staff): "You are invited to attend author Harold Morgan's program Evansville and the Tri-State after the Civil War on Thursday, February 24, at 6:00 p.m. This is the fourth installment in his Home Town History series. Mr. Morgan will survey Evansville's prosperity in the post-war years that catapulted the Tri-State area into the global market, in large part due to its hardwood/furniture industries, among others. Reservations are appreciated. For more information, or to register, go to:

Last night's NBC TV show "Who Do You Think You Are?" with Rosie O'Donnell was quite interesting. She followed her Murtagh family back to Ireland and learned of her family's suffering during the potato famine. At the very end she and her brother walk into an Irish pup in Ireland "Murtagh's Corner!" If you missed this episode or one of the previous two, you can watch them in full at:

Friday, February 18, 2011

"Who Do You Think You Are?" NBC TV Series


Rosie O'Donnell is featured tonight 8/7c

Friday is "Who Do You Think You Are?" NBC TV night. Taste o' thee Irish! She stated in one of the previews that *this [researching & finding her family] was not as easy as it looks on TV!* I was glad to hear that statement said as it seems so easy on the shows. This show is well worth watching by beginners in family curiosity to the experienced, advanced genealogical researcher.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tombstone Thursday - Kornberger


Oak Hill Cemetery
Evansville, Indiana
Section 41, Lot 21
Kornberger Family Plot
Caroline Kornberger died 1887 (age 2 years)
Edward Theo. Henry Kornberger died 1913 (age 31 years)
Margaret Kornberger died 1904 (age 54 years)
Rudolph Kornberger born in Germany died 1905 (age 69 years)
This is a six-foot tombstone with a very large cameo-style profile image of Rudolph Kornberger.
- Photos taken & submitted by JGWest

[Tombstone Thursday is dedicated in memory of Donald G. West 1952-2000]

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

From the FIRST MATE's

Ducks & Geese enjoying
the mostly ice-covered lake...

(Click on image to enlarge)

This photo was recently taken near Evansville's eastside Cracker Barrel. The retaining lake had so many birds just sitting on the ice or swimming in the part that was not frozen, that I could not resist taking a photo with my cell phone. Until I downloaded this to my computer, I did not know about the the five Mallard ducks walking along the sidewalk in the fore ground. This is a typical cold day in southern Indiana with the temperature in the 20's and the ice on the lake is just barely thick enough to hold the weight of the birds... and a bright sunny day!
- Photo taken & submitted by JGWest

Sunday, February 13, 2011

"Tri-State Connection to TV Show!"

There is a connection to the Tim McGraw episode of the NBC TV show "Who Do You Think You Are?" in the Tri-State area. Tim discovered that when George Washington was 16 years old he kept a journal and mentioned that he stayed with Tim's ancestor Jost Hite. Twenty years later George Washington met with Captain John Posey and the Hite family was brought up. Posey lived on land adjacent to George Washington's Mt. Vernon home. This John Posey was the father of General Thomas Posey of which Posey County, Indiana is named. The General served as the Aide-De-Camp to General George Washington during the Revolutionary War. General Posey died of Typhus fever on March 19, 1818 in Shawneetown, Illinois, aged 67, and was buried in the Westwood Cemetery. When the General died he was serving as the Governor of the Indiana Territory.
General Posey's grave marker in Westwood Cemetery in Shawneetown, Illinois.
SAR Color Guard from the General Thomas Posey Chapter of Posey County, Indiana. L-R: Robert Hall, Ruth Hall, Wil Teague, Becky West, John G. West (I am carry the 13-Star Betsy Ross Flag while Hall & Teague are carrying muskets to guard the flag)

I am a member of the General Thomas Posey Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution that meets in Mt. Vernon, Indiana in Posey County. We were invited to participate in a SAR/DAR grave re-dedication ceremony for General Posey in Shawneetown, since our chapter was named for him. Several of us dressed in our Revolutionary War uniforms to provide a Colonial Color Guard for the ceremony.
-Written by JGWest