Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tombstone Thursday - Fenn


Oak Hill Cemetery

Evansville, Indiana

Russell Fenn


Section L, Lot 72, Grave 3

[Click on photos to get larger images]

These two cards were copied from the Browning Genealogy Database Online

- Tombstone photo taken & submitted by JGWest

[Tombstone Thursday is dedicated in memory of Donald G. West 1952-2000]

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

From the FIRST MATE's


A colorful sign at the Mesker Park Zoo in Evansville promoting the zoo's "Adopt an Animal" program. My Ohio Valley Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution have been adopting an American Bald Eagle for the last five years. One of the local DAR chapters followed our lead and are adopting an eagle, as well. The "adoption" program offers several levels of donating to the zoo to help raise money for the zoo. The donors/adoptees recieve a certificate and get a paw-shaped sign with their name that is placed on a larger board and promently displayed at the zoo.
- Photo taken by JGWest

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"For My Sister, Tina"


Tina, this has been around for the last five years or so, but thought you and others who live far away might appreciate seeing these changes in Evansville.

First off, we have a dinosaur downtown pointing the way to the Koch family "Children's Museum of Evansville" (cMoe)... my grandkids from Cincinnati love this place!

Below is the home of cMoe... yes, it is the former building for the Evansville Central Library that has now moved to its new home a few blocks away.

Below is a photo of the new Central Library - a very nice facility. It is across the street from The Center in the southeast corner. The northwest corner is where the Executive Inn used to be... Tina, I guess I will need to show you photos of that in the next few days or so.

As you can see there is lots of construction going on with the demolition of the Executive Inn on one corner and the demolition of the parking garage on the other.

- Photos taken by JGWest

Monday, July 18, 2011

Marker/Plaque/Monument Monday


Desert Shield/Desert Storm

This monument is dedicated to the military, men & women,

who served heroically during the Persian Gulf War...

Dedicated May 15, 1993.
The monument of these two soldiers faces the City/County Civic Center. If you look to the left, you will see the new downtown arena.

- Photos taken & submitted by JGWest

Sunday, July 17, 2011

NSSAR Library, Louisville, Kentucky


National Society

Sons of the American Revolution

Library in Louisville, KY

(Open on Saturdays until Labor Day)
Just a couple hours drive from Evansville is the new site of the library (pictured above) for the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (NSSAR). It is very beautiful and well organized. It is located across the street from the Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory with the super giant-sized baseball bat leaning against the museum five-story building. Becky & I was visiting the museum (yesterday - Saturday) and noticed that the library was just across the street (I had planned on taking a close look at it later). After our museum tour, we planned on walking to the Hard Rock Cafe for a late lunch... so we crossed the street to look through the windows. The sign said it was open on Mon. - Sat. 9:30 AM to 4:30PM and it was only 4:27PM! We opened the door and apologised for coming by so late, but just wanted to take a peek. The receptionist was so very nice and told us to go into the library. Mr. Michael A. Christian, MLS is the Head Librarian who insisted on us taking a good look at the Library despite the fact they were now closed. I took the above photo to show off this library collection of over 70,000 (non-circulating) volumes. The collection is available for on-premises study at no cost to SAR, DAR, CAR & SR members and to the public (for a nominal charge). In 1958, Librarian General Robert S. Walker defined appropriate & acceptable library material to that which was "exclusively genealogical, historical (Revolutionary period or thereabouts), biographical, and town, county or state histories." Visit the NSSAR Library Online which is currently undergoing reconstruction!

The above spectacular scuptured piece "Cornerstone of Freedom" was donated by Retired Colonel Dr. Rex Legler, II & wife, April. Rex is a member of my Ohio Valley SAR Chapter. I took a photo of the plaques, but it did not come out. The "Cornerstone of Freedom" stands just inside the door into the reception area of the library.

-Photos taken & submitted by JGWest. - Article compiled by JGWest