Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Kentucky County Marriage Records Online


Brian K. Caudill (Malabar, FL), County Coordinator of the Letcher County, KYGenWeb Page announced on the KYGEN email list that Family Search has several Kentucky County marriage records online now (ie. digital images of their microfilm).

So far, the counties included are Adair, Harrison, Madison, Magoffin, Marion, Martin, Mason, Meade, Menifee, Mercer, Monroe, Muhlenberg and Nelson. Some counties have a lot of records, while others only have a few. The direct link to the "Digital Folders" page is
. The link to the search page is

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

As Time Passes By...


Another Christmas Day has passed along with new memories which I hope have been pleasant. We have a new year about to begin - 2012 will be here very soon! As time passes by, we sometimes look back on our lives and remember the good times and regretfully are reminded of the bad times. We remember seeing new babies, enjoying holidays, and having special birthdays! We think of our pets, loved ones, great friends and special moments. Of course, all of us have had some very difficult times when loved ones have died, when mistakes were made, lost loves & friendships. Hopefully, we have more good memories than bad ones.

With genealogy (as a hobby or a more professional pursuit), we have run into many "brick walls" as time passes by. However, remember those special moments when you finally found a name or fact you have been searching for a long time! I can remember attending a genealogical seminar listening to an entertaining lecture providing me with all kinds of new ideas to research my family. Being a member of a genealogical society and being at some of the meetings, was often very exciting with great programs and a whole lot of people that were often very different. These other people liked strange things just the same as you & me... cemeteries, tombstones, courthouses, old papers & photos! You easily felt like you were with "your" people. Members would eagerly share information, experience, resources to help each other advance in their family research. We all have friends, but the genealogical friends become special.

As time passes by, we lose genealogical repositories, data lost to disasters, laws restricting data access; and more, including genealogical/historical societies. I am always sad when a relative or friend passes away. I become angry when vandals damage cemetery grave markers. When a genealogical society (that I have connections) decides to fold, I feel like a big hole in resources has been taken from us, today & forever. I wonder, what should I have done to help the organization to continue its work? In today's world, electronics, especially, the Internet has become serious competition for genealogical societies. "The times, they are a'changin'" as Bob Dylan sang in his song! Genealogical groups must make changes as time passes by, but that is not easy! Some will make the wrong changes, some will just give up, while others suffer along with just a few people shouldering all the work & responsibility of the group.

Sadly, I repeat an announcement that the Christian County (Kentucky) Genealogical Society will officially disband as of 31 Dec 2011. As time passed by, this group suffered some set-backs, but kept going and recovered. We thank all of the ones who have worked hard over the years to help the society help others!
The Tri-State Genealogical Society covers Christian County as part of the tri-state area and will welcome any of the CCGS members to join our society to continue the work of CCGS through our society.

- Written by JGWest