Friday, February 13, 2009


We conduct the TSGS monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month. The above photo was taken at the pre-meeting HELP Session led by Rena Goss on "Ohio Research." There was a nice crowd for her program. At the monthly meeting, Rena's husband Larry Goss gave his program on "Grandma's Photo Album" - a very informative and entertaining slide presentation. Thanks to Rena & Larry for two great programs. More photos of the meeting on our web site: Scroll down to 2009 TSGS Photo Album click on it... come back to the main page and check out some of the other photos.

Yesterday was the 200th. Anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln's Birthday. He was known as “Honest Abe” and he was not a very good looking person. He did not let his lack of good looks deter him; in fact, he often used that fact to his favor. During one of the Douglas/Lincoln debates, Douglas accused “Honest Abe” of being “two-faced” concerning some issues. Lincoln asked the crowd, “I leave it up to you, if I had two faces, would I be wearing this one? Which drew a loud roar of laughter and totally destroyed Douglas' point against Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was special to me as I was growing up because we lived so close to Gentryville, IN where Lincoln spent his boyhood years.

Today is Friday the 13th. a day generally regarded as unlucky. I have always been kind of a “lucky” person and Friday the 13th. always seemed to enhance that good luck. To make my point, I have found three $20 bills on three Friday the 13 days. Other good things have happened for me on this day. I have always tried to maintain a positive outlook on all sorts of situations that seems to help make positive things happen in my life. Even when something bad happens, I tend to think how much worse it could have been had it been that I was not so lucky!

Tomorrow is Valentine Day or is it Valentine's Day. Forty years ago, I surprised Becky on Valentine Day with an engagement ring. It has been hard to beat that present. I am pleased to say that after 40 years, she is still my “sweetheart!”

Back to yesterday, the TSGS Cruiser Blog had a lot of visitors with 93 hits! Of those visits 62 were unique visits meaning that is counted as one hit in 24 hours per individual (actually computer); and, of those 59 were first time visitors to our blog! In the last 3 days we have had over 100 first time visitors!!! Hopefully many will find their way back to visit us again. Our regular web site reached an interesting number of visitors yesterday of 55,555 since we began that web site in 1996. Since Thanksgiving 2008 we have had over 3,500 visits to the web site.

Sent in by former TSGS President, Margery W Shaw - In the February 2009 issue of USI magazine, look on page 7 to read the description of the collection of photographs and then go online at There are many from Evansville, Indiana.

Sent in by Chris Myers - The Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library has some high resolution photos and a couple of early City Directories up at this site:

- by John G. West, TSGS President

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