Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"In The News"

[Willard Library has a wonderful collection of Evansville newspapers, some dating back to 1821. The amount and type of information varies from year to year. Newspaper items are a good source of genealogical and historical information. Below is a sampling of items published in the Evansville Courier in February 1917. - Brenda Jerome]

Pioneer Teacher Dead
Jasper, Feb. 12 – Word from Ferdinand township has just reached here to the effect that Clement Lenken, who taught for more than 40 years in one school house in that township and who manufactured wooden shoes used by the people of that section, is dead. By reason of the many wooden shoes manufactured by him and worn by the people there, Ferdinand township has come to be known as the wooden shoe township of Dubois county. [12 Feb 1917]

Mrs. Helen Smith Dies
At 7:30 o’clock last night occurred the death of Mrs. Helen Smith, age 62, a resident of Warrick county, at a local hospital of cerebral hemorrhage, following an operation. She was the wife of J.D.L. Smith and leaves her husband, four sons and a daughter to mourn her death. Interment will take place in Rose Hill cemetery. [13 Feb 1917]

Mt. Vernon News
All of the banks and saloons were closed today on account of Lincoln’s birthday. Frank Smith of the Mt. Vernon bank is one of the few men living in this section who viewed the remains of the slain president after he was assassinated. Mr. Smith arrived in New York from Germany, where he had just graduated from Heidelberg university, the day Lincoln was shot and with thousands of others viewed the remains as they were lying in state in New York. [13 Feb 1917]

H.C. Lunkenheimer and Henry Cook left Monday for New Orleans to attend Mardi Gras and will spend several weeks in the South.
Mr. L.B. Blackburn of Fulton avenue, who has been at St. Mary’s hospital for the past two weeks suffering with concussion of the brain is slightly improved today. His daughter, Mrs. James Henderson of Newark, N.J., is at his bedside. Mr. Blackburn was riding his wheel when the accident happened that caused the injury. [14 Feb 1917]

Property Hers While Unmarried
The entire estate of the late Matthias H. Lutterbach will be received by his wife, Mary, if she remains single, according to the terms of Lutterbach’s will filed in probate court yesterday. Should she pick her second mate, two-thirds of the estate is to be equally divided between their seven children, Peter, William, Anton, Josephine, Henry, Catherine and Otilhe. [14 Feb 1917]

News of Boonville
Boonville, Feb. 15 – The death of Mrs. Josephine Pike, age 76, occurred this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Minnie Healey. Mrs. Pike had been an invalid for the past year. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Healey, and two sons, Robert and Monroe Pike. Her body will be taken to Baker, Tenn. For burial.

The body of Stephen Ashby, whose death occurred at Evansville, was brought here today. Services will be held at Ebenezer church tomorrow noon. [16 Feb 1917]

- Submitted by Brenda Joyce Jerome, CG

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