Wednesday, March 11, 2009


We had a very nice sized crowd at our March meeting last night - the room was full with people sitting back in the microfilm reader area! Mary Lou Bevers started everything off with a great HELP Session that she had to finalize her notes with little notice to substitute for a cancellation. Her subject was "Falsified Legal Records" and was very interesting. Special thanks to Mary Lou!

I think we had a good meeting. It was reported that the latest membership count of paid members is 312 for 2008-2009 which is 20 higher than what was reported in the last few days here.

The Good News is that the society members voted to spend up to $5,000 for microfilm of county records in Kentucky & Virginia plus the Draper Manuscripts. We will only be able to buy about 35% of this great collection, but the owner has promised to hold off sale elsewhere for us to have a chance to buy more later.

I have been impressed with the Browning microfilmed obits from the Evansville Newspapers since before 1990 and was nearly overwhelmed with the Browning Online Database when it came out. Last night the Browning Genealogy Foundation impressed me even more! They brought with them about 10 people that work with the Foundation including Mrs. Browning. Dr. Mark Browning led a power point presentation and went online to show us some very neat data that has recently been added... incredible! Mr. Charles Browning (deceased) started saving obits from the newspaper and put them on filing cards. He was owner and funeral director of Browning Funeral Home in Evansville. Now, his wife, son and daughters are expanding what he started. Visit their newest home page: Browning Obituaries (& other databases).

The President appointed the Nominating Committee for the 2009-2010 Officers & Directors: Bettie Cook (Chair), Brenda Jerome & Don Counts.

John G. West, TSGS President

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