Sunday, May 24, 2009

"1933 Memorial Day Service"

The following article appeared in the 28 May 1933 issue of the Evansville Press.

Special tribute will be paid the seven living members of the Farragut Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and members who died during the year, at Memorial Day services in Evansville next Tuesday. Five of the “boys in blue” passed away during the year. They were Julius Tzchoppe, G.T. York, John Ziegler, John Reisinger and Richard Suggs, who was a member of Wagner Colored Post. Only three Civil War Veterans will be able to carry on with the services this year. Major Byron Parsons, William Warren and Robert Witzman will attend services at Oak Hill Cemetery and will occupy a car in the parade. John Smith and Fred Frank, Evansville members of Farragut Post, will not be able to take part in the services. The two other members, Joseph Hunnell and Silas Day, will not be here. Mr. Hunnell lives in Bloomington and Mr. Day at the Old Soldiers’ home, Lafayette. Surviving members of the Wagner Post are Albert Cosby, Fred Gibson, Andrew Stubbins, Moses Slaughter, George Winlock, Simon Walker and Charles Williams. Other war veterans who died during the year were Henry E. Elsea, Edmand Bichlein and Michael Matz, Spanish American War; Russell L. Newbit, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Walter M. Carter, Walter W. Gates, Lucian Gordon, Carl Minch and Frank Daugherty, World War.

Services will be held at McCutchanville Church on Sunday and at Camp Ground Cemetery, Salem. Each of the church services will be followed by the decoration of soldiers’ graves in the church cemeteries. Services will also be held at Locust Hill Cemetery and at Lutheran Cemetery. Line of march for the parade will start at the Coliseum and to Eighth Street. Twenty patriotic and civic groups will be represented. Services at Oak Hill Cemetery will conclude the program.

- Submitted by Brenda Jerome

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