Wednesday, May 20, 2009

From the FIRST MATE's

Celebrating the Capture of Fort Sackville
Vincennes Rendezvous
23-24 May 2009
Vincennes, Indiana

The re-enactment battles are really cool to watch. They have a Fife & Drum Corps that perform on the battle ground as well as throughout the park. The cannons set off all of the car alarms & the blast of the muskets make this event seem real. Soldiers representing England, France, Germany (to list a few) plus the colonist & Indians with women & children all dressed in period attire, makes this event a great family historical, educational & entertaining outing.

The above photo is of our Indiana Society Sons of the American Revolution's tent at the Rendezvous with a lot of Colonial flags. The red & green striped flag behind & to the right of the tent is the George Rogers Clark flag that they carried when his men captured Ft. Sackville. TSGS member, Becky West (dressed in a red top), is standing in front of the brochure table. Click on the photos to get an enlarged view.
- Photos taken (2008) & submitted by JGWest

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