Saturday, May 16, 2009

INSSAR Elects 2009-2010 State Officers

Indiana Society
Sons of the American Revolution
2009-2010 State Officers

Second from left is State Historian John G. West (member of TSGS & the Ohio Valley Chapter [OVC] INSSAR) and in the center of the photo (seventh from left in a Revolutionary War uniform) is State Chaplain Don Counts (member TSGS & OVC). Also in this photo is INSSAR District One Director J.D. Strouth & District Two Director Dr. T. Rex Legler, II both members of OVC. Counts & West were recently re-elected to these offices at the April 2009 Annual House of Delegates Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The OVChapter will meet later this morning at Willard Library... TSGS members Ken Gilkey, President & Chris Myers, Secretary. West serves as the Chapter Treasurer while Counts is the Chapter Vice-President.

- Photo submitted by Don Counts (photographer unknown)

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