Friday, May 8, 2009

"Remembering Her Wedding Day...
on Mother's Day"

Peggy Gilkey is sharing this great Mother's Day suggestion with us.


Since Mother's Day is coming up, it started me thinking about something Ken and I both did sometime ago. I was visiting with my mom in Kentucky before her death and we spent alot of time talking about her family and going through old family photos. I decided to ask her about her Wedding Day. It was wonderful how she remembered every detail down to the cost of everything, the town and what was happening at the time. I scribbled down everything she told me, dates, colors, prices and places. When I got home I went through my notes and put it all in story form. On my next visit I read it to her and asked if any changes should be made. We did the same thing with Ken's mom when she was in a retirement home before her death. It was amazing how she could remember even the cost of her shoes, where they married, people in the town.

With men it usually is a different story, they do well to remember the date. I think they were so happy to win the girl and that was the thing that was most important to them.

Now both our moms have gone on to meet their ancestors but we still have these wonderful stories of their wedding days to pass on to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. If you still have your mom spend some time with her this Mother's Day and learn her Wedding Day story, if she is no longer with you write your own story and give a copy to your children or grand children.

- Submitted by Peggy Gilkey

[NOTE: I was going to use today for some follow-up on our Frank Vincent Kiefer mystery... we have some updates on this local actor. It will be in tomorrow's (Sat.) blog. My apologies to the ones that went to a lot of trouble following up on this, but I will have more time to present it better. Peggy's idea is more timely for today.]

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