Sunday, June 21, 2009

1901 "Colored Folks" Evansville News

The local newspaper is one of the often-overlooked resources for African-American research in Evansville during the early years of the 20th century. Columns titled “Colored Folks” provide information on deaths, church events and visits from former residents. These columns do not appear on particular days; they seem to appear whenever there is enough information to warrant them. Most often they appear in the Sunday issues, but also appear throughout the rest of the week. The following items are from the Evansville Courier in February 1901.

Sunday, 17 February 1901

The infant daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Ed Roberson died Saturday morning at their home, 1201 West Virginia Street. The funeral will take place Monday from the family home, 1207 West Virginia Street [sic].

The funeral of the late Edmund D. Gooding took place Saturday about 12 o’clock noon from his late home in Thiele’s Row. Rev. C.N. Majors officiated in the service.

The funeral of the late Mrs. Minerva Love took place Saturday morning from the Independence Baptist church. The service was conducted by Rev. C.N. Majors. The services were largely attended.

Mrs. Mary E. Reed is seriously ill at her home in Newtownville. She has been confined to her home for several week with la grippe.

Professor W.A. Green, who is engaged in teaching school out in the country below Howell, was in the city Saturday on business.

Mrs. Mary Jackson of Louisville, Ky., was in the city Saturday visiting friends in Upper Fourth Street.

Mrs. Bettie Cabel is quite sick at her home, 315 Elliott Street.

Friday, 22 February 1901

After a long and painful illness of nearly ten months duration, all that was mortal of the late Mrs. Mollie Jones yielded up the ghost and her immortal spirit left its tenement of clay forever. Mrs. Jones was a native of North Carolina, where she resided until just two years ago. She was married to Columbus Jones and came to this city, where she lived until Wednesday afternoon at 5:15 o’clock, aged 25 years. She had no relatives in this section of the country except her husband and little son. Although she had resided here but a comparatively short time, yet she had made for herself many true and devoted friends, all of whom feel most keenly her death. Her funeral services took place Thursday afternoon from Alexander chapel. Rev. Charles Hunter officiated. There was a large crowd of sympathizing friends present to pay a last tribute of respect for her remains, which were laid tenderly to rest in Oak Hill cemetery.

Mrs. Rosa Harris was born at Canton, Miss., May 26, 1874, where she resided until she came to this city in 1878, and lived here till within the year when she went to Louisville, Ky., and returned to this city almost 10 days ago and died at the home of her grandmother, 617 Mulberry street, Feb. 20, 1901 after a short but fatal illness. She leaves a son, a sister, two brothers and other relatives to mourn her death. Her funeral takes place from Alexander Methodist church today. Rev. Charles Hunter will officiate in the funeral service assisted by Rev. W.H. Anderson and J.D. Rouse.

Arthur Banks of Morganfield, Ky. is here the guest of friends in Fulton avenue.

The Baptist Sabbath school union will hold its regular monthly meeting with the Mt. Zion Baptist Sunday school Sunday, Feb. 24.

- Submitted by Brenda Joyce Jerome, CG

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