Sunday, August 9, 2009

From the FIRST MATE's

University of Evansville...

gardens & grounds

Yesterday, while driving along Lincoln Avenue east toward Weinbach Avenue, I glanced over at U of E where I attended part of my college years over forty years ago. The grounds were so pretty in front of the Administration Building that I was compelled to come back later with my camera to take a few photos. It was a beautiful day and the garden & grounds made it even better. I guess that the gardens have been enhanced over the last few years or I just simply did not notice before. I came to the, then, Evansville College in 1965 after graduating from Boonville High School. What an exciting time in my life! I was the first in my immediate family to go to college; however, my mother's first cousin, Betty Wood, attended Evansville College graduating with honors in 1950. I think it was 1967 when they changed the status of the college to a university, while I was a student there - that was very exciting, too. We were required to take Air Force ROTC for two years and assembled on a regular basis in the more spacious plaza in front of the Admin. Bldg. - it was not the garden it is today. Right behind or actually the other side of the stone sign is a small platform or stage that was used for various events. I remember attending an event there when Eugene McCarthy spoke from this platform to the U of E students in is bid for the U.S. Presidency.

Another view of Admin. Bldg. with the flag poles and circular garden. The grandeur of the building coupled with the trees, flags, flowers & grassy plaza makes for a very pleasant scene.

I do not know when the University added the cobble stoned walkways, but it really enhances the whole garden & grounds. There are a lot of changes at U of E over just the last few years... several new buildings and expansions of existing buildings. I ended up graduating after four years in the U.S. Air Force from Indiana State University - Evansville (ISUE) [they changed their name, too - University of Southern Indiana]. USI has a great campus with beautiful grounds, as well; however, there is something extra special about U of E that will remain in my heart forever!
- Photos taken & submitted by JGWest

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