Friday, August 28, 2009

From the FIRST MATE's


Life on the Ohio River...

(click on photo to enlarge)

Tug boat pushing a coal barge upstream just down river from the Newburgh Lock & Dam.

-Photo taken by Chris Myers (05 Jul 2008)

Photo Contest...

Just for fun and to preserve a little history of the Evansville Frog Follies in its 35th. annual event at the Vanderburgh County 4-H Center on North U.S. 41, I have initiated a photo contest of anything to do with the Frog Follies - cars, people, whatever! You may enter as many photos as you wish and from any year... provide a note of what year photo was taken and if needed comments about photo. There is no monetary award, just credit for taking the photo & the honor to be posted on this blog. I will pick about 6 photos (maybe more) to be posted between now and Wed. Send your photos (3 or less at a time) to me at I have some photos, too. I will pick only one from my collection, if any. I already have some good ones from several people. So, submit your photos and join in on the fun! - JGWest

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