Sunday, September 20, 2009

TSGS Board Member is Editor for a Special 911 Edition


TSGS Board Member, Don Counts, is one very busy man. In addition to all of the acivities that he is involved with, he is a reporter for The City-County Observer and was recently appointed Editor of a "Special Edition" called "Heroes" for Veterans, Police, & Fire Fighters.


A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR... A well-deserved honor and acknowledgment of our heroes. When I was first asked to be the editor of the HEROES edition, I was excited and the excitement continued to mount the more information I gathered as I worked on this edition. Please take the time to read and look at all the pictures of the area HEROES. As most of you know, I am a Marine veteran with 24 years’ service and welcomed this opportunity. I have found through the years Veterans, Police and Fire HEROES get very little coverage in the local media. This has provided the City-County Observer and me an opportunity to pay credit where credit is due. I hope all of you enjoy reading this edition as much as I did in working on this special edition and putting it together. As a member of the Editorial Board, I plan to have more information of interest to veterans in the upcoming issues. Don Counts

This first link will take you to the online version of the City County Observer with 3 videos about service men & women... very stirring and patriotic (for all 3 videos total time is less than 20 minutes).
This second link takes you to a PDF file of the articles of local people that are featured for this special edition.

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