Tuesday, October 6, 2009

From My Email Box - "Links!"

From Linda Hunt (Hart County Kentucky Genealogy Interest Group - MyFamily.com) ~ http://www.mikelynaugh.com/VirtualCivilWar/New/Originals2/index.html Very nice B&W Civil War photos.

From Marsha Bryant (INVANDER-List) ~ http://www.ingenweb.org/invanderburgh/marriages/wpamarriageindex.htm WPA Marriage Records 1846-1920... more and more marriage records have come in! Thanks to Virginia Aldridge, Antoinette Waughtel, Tamara Kincaide, Darleen Wilcox and Sarah Emery!

From Jay Odom (Archivist: uswardocs & civilwardocs) ~ http://www.uswardocs.com/ . And we did NOT replace http://www.civilwardocs.com/ , we just added a new site to encompass the other major US wars, from the Revolutionary War to the Spanish American War. And here is a link to Land Records from the Bureau of Land Management: http://www.glorecords.blm.gov/

From Don Counts (TSGS Board of Directors) ~ http://www.manataka.org/page1138.html Hiawatha Insane Asylum... Names of Patients Listed.

-Compiled by JGWest

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