Saturday, October 17, 2009

"What is a Hero?"


What is a Hero?

In history and genealogy, we sometimes come upon a person that is listed as a hero. So, just what is a hero? I thought I would look this up and the following is my summary of the many definitions of “hero” ~ 1. The second album “Hero” by Divinefire, a Swedish Christian Symphonic Power metal music group. 2. A person known for special abilities or courage, admired for brave deeds or noble qualities, often saving someone's life... one who performs heroic, unselfish acts. The second definition was what I was looking for.

I have known such a person for quite some time... he is a friend. This guy unselfishly helped me cut up limbs in my back yard after this year's ice storm. The whole back yard was covered with fallen limbs the size of trees. We worked all day long. He called several times to volunteer and even brought a chain saw and some cutters. Then months later, when the city condemned part of the garage, he volunteered again. With his help we got that half of the garage tore down in two days. Becky & I call this guy a hero.

However, these are the type of things a hero does when he is not being a Super Hero! Our friend, Christopher Myers, is a true “Super Hero!” This past week, Chris went to Indianapolis to donate bone marrow for someone he did not know because he was a match and that person needed it to live. This qualifies for a brave & noble deed... an unselfish act that will save someone's life!
Chris created our TSGS Web Site for us when he was not even a member... he did it because he thought we needed a presence on the Internet. I talked him into joining the society and appointed him our first Official TSGS Webmaster. He developed a great web site that Cydi Howell (of “Cydi's List” a huge genealogical links site) at a national genealogical conference stated was one of the best she had seen. Our local Ohio Valley SAR Chapter asked Chris to be our Newsletter Editor... it had been a simple one-page fact sheet to let members know what we were doing as part of a meeting notice. He developed for his first edition a full-color, eight-page newsletter with photos called the “Ohio Valley Arsenal.”

Chris continues to surprise me of all of the unselfish deeds he quietly does for others... he is a hero!

-Photos saved from Christopher D. Myers' Facebook site.
- Article written by JGWest.


  1. We could all take some lessons on service to others from Chris.

  2. Way to go Chris, let's hope the readers of the blog will move out of their comfort zone and help our fellow man.
