Sunday, December 13, 2009

"Captain of Coal Industry is Dead"

Evansville Courier Tuesday, October 19, 1909

David Ingle, Sr., wealthy coal mine operator of Oakland City, who was born in Evansville and had hundreds of friends here , died at 6:15 o'clock yesterday evening of typhoid fever. His end was not unexpected. Mr. Ingle was a grandson of the original John Ingle who came to America in the early nineteenth century and located at Inglefield, a town later named for him. The Ingles were prominent in the development of the city. John Ingle, Sr., built the house at First and Cherry streets where Judge Gilchrist now resides. It was in this building that David Ingle, who died yesterday, was born.

Shortly after his marriage to a Miss Burbank, daughter of a wealthy farmer living on the Stringtown road, Mr. David Ingle removed to Oakland City. This was more than 25 years ago. he has lived there ever since and had acquired a fortune of at least a quarter of a million dollars in coal mine properties. Mr. Ingle was a frequent visitor to Evansville. He was known as a man of indaftigable energy plain in his speech, simple in his habits and an enemy to frills of all kinds. He was of sterling character, a conservative investor and always made his word as good as a bond. He was admired by everyone who knew him or was fortunate enough to be listed among his personal acquaintances. Among the coal operators of this end of the state he was a towering figure whose judgement always carried great weight and whose advice was nearly always found to be right.

Mr. Ingle was 58 years old. He had been ill for three weeks with typhoid. His nephew, Dr. Ingle, of Evansville, and Dr. Edward Linthicum, of Evansville, were called in as consulting physicians a week ago when his care grew alarming. A wife and four children: David, Jr., William D., and Miss Catherine of Oakland City, and Mrs. William Debb of Los Angeles, survive. A brother, Robert Ingle, lives in Princeton. There are two brothers in California. Mr. Ingle was interested in the Ingle mines in Evansville for a time but sold them recently to James Moore and his local associates. He owned a tract of land known as the south end of Coal Mine hill, which the city has been desirous of purchasing. He owned mines at Ayrshire, Linton, Jasonville, Terre Haute, Danville, Ill. and was interested with partners in other mines. News of his death was received by his long time friends in Evansville with great regret last night. The funeral arrangements have not been made.

- Submitted by Taneya Koonce

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