Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tech Info

Genealogical Software ~

Times are changing... there was a time when there were perhaps 3 to 5 popular genealogical programs to keep all of your genealogical information on your computer. Family Tree Maker, Brother's Keeper and PAF being perhaps 3 of the favorites. As time, ownership of the software, and the loss of support, etc.... these programs have begun to lose favor. So, where are we today with software for our family histories and all of the other things we have begun to store with our genealogy stuff?

Char Beyer~NM~ posted this on one of the lists or sites that we each are members - Jan 23, 2009

I tried Legacy and it is a good program, but went for TMG (The Master Genealogist). It is a bit more complex and offers somethings the others don't. I guess you could say it is more of a professional genealogist (which I'm not) program. With this program I can cross reference the brides by maiden or married name. You can break down your info into detailed catagories or use it the same as FTM, PAF, Legacy, etc. In other words you can keep it as complex or basic as you want. The support for TMG is fantastic, no question too simple or complicated for them to answer. As you all know, I am full of questions [you probably do not know this, but I can verify that this is true! - JGWest]. I used PAF for years and was happy with it, very simple, but they quit updating it a couple of years ago. I tried FTM on two different occasions, it was good, but not for me. You can download a free version of it [TMG] and that is what I would advise you to do. Most of the programs have free versions on line, some you can keep, some are just for a trial period. Check them out and pick 2 or 3 that sound and look good to you, mess around with them. That way you get a chance to see which is the best for you and does what you want it to do, before you buy one and find it just isn't right for you or you don't like it. The addie is: - Char Beyer

I suggest that you read first this page:
Then check out this page:
And then go to these sites to review the various software programs to help you to select a program that will do what you need and want in a genealogical database:
- Compiled by JGWest

Friday, February 20, 2009

"Evansville's Graham Page Automobile"

Graham Page automobile began manufacturing in Evansville, Indiana between 1916 & 1920. History of the Graham brothers and their glass company and then the trucking industry:

There was plenty of skilled labor for body building since wagon making was an important Indiana business and across the country more and more firms were discarding the horse and wagon in favor of the motor truck. Selling their interest in the glass business to Owens, Joseph and Robert joined Ray in establishing a factory in Evansville, Indiana, to build truck bodies for mounting on passenger car chassis. By 1920 an expanded line of Graham Brothers trucks and buses were being manufactured, using Continental, Weideley and Dodge engines. A customer, the Grahams felt, should not have to go elsewhere for his truck's body, so they built complete vehicles, offering a variety of bodies designed to meet the specialized needs of various industries.

These two photos come from the Photo Gallery: This site is loaded with photos of junked cars and then how they were restored like these photos.

Former TSGS President, Don Counts, says that...
"My Grandfather Eugene Rough (photo above) was very proud of his Graham Page auto. In the winter he used to put a coal-oil lamp in the car for heat, there was no heater. The car had a crank, but was only used when it didn't want to start. When they would go our for a drive in the winter they would all have blankets on their laps to keep warm. His daughter, my aunt Ruth Rough remembers the car well." (The photo below is of Ruth Rough at her 80th. birthday party.) [Ruth Rough is a very sweet lady... I used to visit her every three months through my job. - JGWest]

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tombstone Thursday - Mrs. Matilda E. Baker

(click on images to enlarge)

Mrs. Matilda E. Baker
First wife of Governor Conrad Baker
03 Mar 1818 - 04 Nov 1855
Section 12, Lot 50, Grave 5

Oak Hill Cemetery, Evansville, Indiana

Note that of the three white grave markers in the foreground, the one is different in two ways: shape & style is different and the inscriptions face in different directions. I have yet to see another marker with the title of "Mrs." on it. To me, this is very unusual. We have discovered that this is her footstone. According to the cemetery burial record (online) she died on 04 Nov 1855 (37 years, 8 months & 1 day).

These are facing East with the one on the left being for Louisa Matilda Baker Section 12 Lot 49 Grave 8. She was 31 years old at the time of her death on 25 Jun 1875. Her burial record states that she died in Indianapolis, Indiana. The grave on the right is almost completely unreadable; however, I believe this is the grave of Mary Baker Section 12 Lot 50 Grave 4 which should place this grave adjacent to Mrs. Matilda E. Baker. Mary Baker was 35 years old at the time of her death in Mar 1884.

- Submitted by JGWest
Photos taken by JGWest

[Tombstone Thursday is dedicated in memory of Donald G. West 1952-2000]

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

From the FIRST MATE's

New Harmony, Indiana
"The Roofless Church"

(Click on photos to enlarge)

Roofless Church
Just across the street from the New Harmony Inn stands the non-denominational Roofless Church, an architectural landmark and spiritual retreat designed by Philip Johnson and built in 1960.
The area is surrounded by a twelve-foot wall, and features Ceremonial Gates by Jacques Lipchitz that open into a peaceful courtyard of gardens and sculptures.
A paved walkway leads to a fifty-foot high lobed dome covered with cedar shingles. Visitors from Japan and India tend to see the shingled canopy as a lotus, whereas those from Christian backgrounds interpret it as a rose.
Under this dome is the bronze statue of The Descent of the Holy Spirit, also by Lipchitz. At the back of the enclosure, a large balcony looks out over the Wabash River valley.
The church is open year-round to the public and is operated under the auspices of the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis. Mrs. Jane Blaffer Owen, who commissioned the Roofless Church, believed that "only one roof, the sky, could embrace all worshipping humanity." Its picturesque setting makes it a popular setting for weddings and other ceremonies.
For additional information about the Roofless Church, please contact the Robert Lee Blaffer Foundation at (812) 682-3050.
- Photos taken and submitted by JGWest

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"In The News"

[Willard Library has a wonderful collection of Evansville newspapers, some dating back to 1821. The amount and type of information varies from year to year. Newspaper items are a good source of genealogical and historical information. Below is a sampling of items published in the Evansville Courier in February 1917. - Brenda Jerome]

Pioneer Teacher Dead
Jasper, Feb. 12 – Word from Ferdinand township has just reached here to the effect that Clement Lenken, who taught for more than 40 years in one school house in that township and who manufactured wooden shoes used by the people of that section, is dead. By reason of the many wooden shoes manufactured by him and worn by the people there, Ferdinand township has come to be known as the wooden shoe township of Dubois county. [12 Feb 1917]

Mrs. Helen Smith Dies
At 7:30 o’clock last night occurred the death of Mrs. Helen Smith, age 62, a resident of Warrick county, at a local hospital of cerebral hemorrhage, following an operation. She was the wife of J.D.L. Smith and leaves her husband, four sons and a daughter to mourn her death. Interment will take place in Rose Hill cemetery. [13 Feb 1917]

Mt. Vernon News
All of the banks and saloons were closed today on account of Lincoln’s birthday. Frank Smith of the Mt. Vernon bank is one of the few men living in this section who viewed the remains of the slain president after he was assassinated. Mr. Smith arrived in New York from Germany, where he had just graduated from Heidelberg university, the day Lincoln was shot and with thousands of others viewed the remains as they were lying in state in New York. [13 Feb 1917]

H.C. Lunkenheimer and Henry Cook left Monday for New Orleans to attend Mardi Gras and will spend several weeks in the South.
Mr. L.B. Blackburn of Fulton avenue, who has been at St. Mary’s hospital for the past two weeks suffering with concussion of the brain is slightly improved today. His daughter, Mrs. James Henderson of Newark, N.J., is at his bedside. Mr. Blackburn was riding his wheel when the accident happened that caused the injury. [14 Feb 1917]

Property Hers While Unmarried
The entire estate of the late Matthias H. Lutterbach will be received by his wife, Mary, if she remains single, according to the terms of Lutterbach’s will filed in probate court yesterday. Should she pick her second mate, two-thirds of the estate is to be equally divided between their seven children, Peter, William, Anton, Josephine, Henry, Catherine and Otilhe. [14 Feb 1917]

News of Boonville
Boonville, Feb. 15 – The death of Mrs. Josephine Pike, age 76, occurred this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Minnie Healey. Mrs. Pike had been an invalid for the past year. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Healey, and two sons, Robert and Monroe Pike. Her body will be taken to Baker, Tenn. For burial.

The body of Stephen Ashby, whose death occurred at Evansville, was brought here today. Services will be held at Ebenezer church tomorrow noon. [16 Feb 1917]

- Submitted by Brenda Joyce Jerome, CG

Monday, February 16, 2009

Marker/Plaque/Monument Monday

[This is a new regular category for some Mondays. I will call it Marker/Plaque/Monument Monday. It will feature historical markers, dedication plaques & markers, including memorials to events, people & structures. It will not include individual military markers or other grave markers, although exceptions may be made for unusual markers. - JGWest]

Born Feb 1873 Died Dec 1843
(Portrait signed by G.H. HONIG)
(Plaque signed by G.H. HONIG)
[This plaque is on a sign posted within the triangle half way from the entrance to the Administration Building at Oak Hill Cemetery.]

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mystery - "The Agoga Bible Class Fountain of 1929"

Yesterday morning (Saturday), I went over to Oak Hill Cemetery to find a few grave sites to take photos of the grave markers for “Find A Grave” requests of individuals living away. I had searched for one on late Friday after work and could not find it... so I was hoping the office would be open on Sat. to look at the plat sheets in the office showing all of the burials. Chris Cooke, the Superintendent of the Evansville City Cemeteries (Locust Hill & Oak Hill), was manning the office. He helped me locate the graves I was looking for and we talked about some interesting things concerning the cemetery and he showed me a photo on his cell phone of a plaque on the back side of a large monument that he was curious about. (See their huge database for both cemeteries )

The above plaque (click on images to enlarge) is on the back of James Monroe Crowder's monument (below) at Oak Hill Cemetery. It apparently was used in 1929 as a memorial to Crowder when they were dedicating a fountain at the Agoga Tabernacle. At least, I suspect that the fountain was at the Agoga Tabernacle.

Agoga Tabernacle images of exterior & interior from Willard Library Photo Gallery

Donahue Studios
Text taken from negatives for a brochure, probably around 1955.
The formation of First Baptist Church, 04 July 1847. Services were held in a small church on Second & Clark Streets until lots on Third & Cherry were purchased for $800.00, and a brick church built there in 1868. A call was extended to Rev. J. Frederick Rake of St. Louis in 1916. The present church on Fourth & Cherry was built and dedicated in 1922. The next year, the Agoga Bible Class erected the Tabernacle on the corner across the street. In 1944, the church purchased the Welborn-Walker Hospital changing its name to Welborn Memorial Baptist Hospital. December of 1951, Dr. Rake resigned after fifty years in the Ministry. Rev. Dallas J. West [no relation to me – JGWest] was called to succeed him.

Indiana History by Ralph D. Gray, Published by Indiana University Press, 1994
ISBN 025332629X, 9780253326294
442 pages (article by William E. Wilson pp. 292-302) Page 294: “As we approached a large vacant lot [on Fourth Street - JGWest] we saw that a crowd was gathered under floodlights, and a fiddler's contest was in progress on a platform in the blue haze of a pit barbecue. My father [U.S. Congressman William Edward Wilson of Indiana's 1st. District, D-Evansville - JGWest] said, '... The Agoga Bible Class is raising money to build a tabernacle on that lot. They outgrew the Strand Theatre and moved into the Victory Theatre, and now they've outgrown it. They gave the preacher an automobile last month.'”

From my limited research which included the Browning Genealogical Database of obituaries and newspaper articles and Google & Yahoo web searches, I think that the fountain was completed about the time of J. Monroe Crowder's death in 1928. It appears that the Agoga Bible Class dedicated the fountain in 1929 about 4 to 6 years after the Agoga Tabernacle was built. The memorial plaque would have been placed on the fountain or nearby. I am not sure when the Agoga was razed, but I believe the fountain went with it and someone salvaged the plaque and had it mounted to Mr. Crowder's Monument. His wife Mary Lou (nee Coomes) next married Carl H. Blum and she was a long-time Chief Clerk of the Vanderburgh County Probate Court, ending a 43-year career at the time of her death in 1962. She is buried next to her first husband J. Monroe Crowder. - Compiled by JGWest
[Anyone with additional information concerning this Agoga Fountain, please contact me: ]