Saturday, October 17, 2009

"What is a Hero?"


What is a Hero?

In history and genealogy, we sometimes come upon a person that is listed as a hero. So, just what is a hero? I thought I would look this up and the following is my summary of the many definitions of “hero” ~ 1. The second album “Hero” by Divinefire, a Swedish Christian Symphonic Power metal music group. 2. A person known for special abilities or courage, admired for brave deeds or noble qualities, often saving someone's life... one who performs heroic, unselfish acts. The second definition was what I was looking for.

I have known such a person for quite some time... he is a friend. This guy unselfishly helped me cut up limbs in my back yard after this year's ice storm. The whole back yard was covered with fallen limbs the size of trees. We worked all day long. He called several times to volunteer and even brought a chain saw and some cutters. Then months later, when the city condemned part of the garage, he volunteered again. With his help we got that half of the garage tore down in two days. Becky & I call this guy a hero.

However, these are the type of things a hero does when he is not being a Super Hero! Our friend, Christopher Myers, is a true “Super Hero!” This past week, Chris went to Indianapolis to donate bone marrow for someone he did not know because he was a match and that person needed it to live. This qualifies for a brave & noble deed... an unselfish act that will save someone's life!
Chris created our TSGS Web Site for us when he was not even a member... he did it because he thought we needed a presence on the Internet. I talked him into joining the society and appointed him our first Official TSGS Webmaster. He developed a great web site that Cydi Howell (of “Cydi's List” a huge genealogical links site) at a national genealogical conference stated was one of the best she had seen. Our local Ohio Valley SAR Chapter asked Chris to be our Newsletter Editor... it had been a simple one-page fact sheet to let members know what we were doing as part of a meeting notice. He developed for his first edition a full-color, eight-page newsletter with photos called the “Ohio Valley Arsenal.”

Chris continues to surprise me of all of the unselfish deeds he quietly does for others... he is a hero!

-Photos saved from Christopher D. Myers' Facebook site.
- Article written by JGWest.

Friday, October 16, 2009

From the FIRST MATE's


Local DAR & SAR
very active in the Evansville, Indiana area...

These two photos taken at the 2009 West Side Nut Club Fall Festival Parade of the Captain Henry Vanderburgh Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Photos submitted by Vannetta McDowell.
SAR & DAR participate in the West Side Fall Festival Parade

These two photos at the 2009 Fall Festival Parade are of the Ohio Valley SAR Chapter of the Indiana Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Photos taken by Cheri Baumberger & submitted by Don Counts.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tombstone Thursday - Willard Library Displays


For quite some time the genealogy staff at Willard Library have put together some great displays. With Halloween coming up in this month of October, the displays have centered around cemeteries and grave markers. [Click on the photos to enlarge the image to see it better.]

The first two photos below come from St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery in Evansville, Indiana. These photos taken by Vannetta McDowell are part of Vannetta's collection of tombstone photos displayed on the shelves behind the counter & desk of the second floor at Willard Library.
Above is the top of a grave marker showing the family. Below is the grieving angel holding a wreath.
Below is the grave of Vannetta's aunt who died as a child buried in Pythian Ridge Cemetery in Union County, Sturgis, KY. ( Emma Gould Ghormley).

The 3 photos above were taken & submitted by Vannetta McDowell.

These two photos show the Tombstone Photo Collection at Willard Library put together by Vannetta.

The next four photos are of the display case at top of stairs to the second floor on "Cemetery Restoration and Preservation." Vannetta put this display together, as well. The glass shows sun light reflections, but you can still see most of what was caught in the photos.

This is another display in a neat "Treasure Chest" that was created by Lyn Martin.

All of these are at Willard Library... visit the library and take a look. Let the staff know how much you like the displays - they work hard on these and deserve some praise. Each month is a new theme. Oh, and check out the display case as you first enter Willard.

- The last 7 photos were taken & submitted by JGWest

[Tombstone Thursday is dedicated in memory of Donald G. West 1952-2000]

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

From the FIRST MATE's


Photos during last night's
TSGS meeting (13 Oct 2009)...

In attendance was Ron Lyles representing the Lyles Station and its newest edition of the History of Lyles Station. Mr. Lyles gave a brief presentation of the book that has updates of previous editions and a chapter in memory of Ron's father Dr. Lyles.
After the business of the meeting was conducted, Mary Lou Bevers discussed many things that researchers need to know.
Karin Kirsch filled in for Vannetta McDowell who could not be present with a great discussion of "Passenger Lists." No one attended the other discussion group.

Below is a (not so good) photo of Willard Library's Display Case that Vannetta McDowell created on Cemetery Preservation. The three nice displays at Willard will be the subject of tomorrow's "Tombstone Thursday." I will get better pictures for tomorrow!

- Photos taken by JGWest

Tuesday, October 13, 2009



I hope to see a large crowd tonight at our Tri-State Genealogical Society monthly membership meeting:

13 Oct 2009
6:30 p.m. Individual Research Assistance
Bring your information!

7:30 p.m. Regular Meeting
"What Everyone Needs To Understand About Research..." - Mary Lou Bevers
Discussion Groups:
"Organizing Your Information" - Mary Lou Bevers
OR "Passenger Lists" - Karin Marie Kirsch

When you visit Willard Library, be sure to check out the display cases on the first floor by the front door and, especially the case at the top of the stairs to the genealogy floor. This month Vannetta McDowell has done an excellent display on cemetery preservation. To add to this is a display behind the upstairs counter in the book cases of some very nice examples of some of the incredible grave markers she has photographed. I am very much impressed with this display and photos.

Peggy Newton, Pat Sides & Lyn Martin have made displays including those book cases and a "Treasure Chest!"

Karin Kirsch is developing a "Special Interest Group" (SIG) concerning German Genealogy. If you are interested contact Karin or come to tonight's meeting to learn more!
John G. West, TSGS President

Monday, October 12, 2009

Marker/Plaque/Monument Monday


This surprises me somehow...
so it is a special historical fact about southwest Indiana

First SWCD in Indiana
The first Soil & Water Conservation
District in Indiana was organized
here in 1940... the last in Tipton
County in 1974.
The citizens of Vanderburgh County
are recognized for their
Pioneering Leadership!
- Photo taken & submitted by Chris Myers

Sunday, October 11, 2009



Reminder... TSGS Regular Monthly Meeting
will be Tuesday night 7:30 PM 13 Oct 2009
on the second floor of Willard Library.

13 Oct 2009
6:30 p.m. Individual Research Assistance
Bring your information!
7:30 p.m. Regular Meeting
"What Everyone Needs To Understand About Research..." - Mary Lou Bevers Discussion Groups:

"Organizing Your Information" - Mary Lou Bevers
OR "Passenger Lists" - Vannetta McDowell
Also the deadline for submissions to our quarterly journal The Tri-State Packet are due 15 Oct 2009.
John G. West, TSGS President