Saturday, December 19, 2009

Media Release From Vand. Co. Health Dept.

Media Release
Vanderburgh County Health Department
EVANSVILLE, December 18, 2009; 3 pm
The Vanderburgh County Health Department (VCHD), in order to comply with State law and Secure ID requirements, is instituting new guidelines regarding the documentation necessary to obtain birth and death certificates from the Vital Records Division of the VCHD. This change will reduce the chances Vanderburgh County residents will become victims of identify theft and fraud. The changes impact both who may obtain a birth or death certificate, as well as make it clearer which types of identification are needed to obtain the certificate.
Attached with this press release are the eligibility and identification requirements necessary to obtain birth or death certificates as of January 1st, 2010. Please note only one primary or two secondary I.D. documents are required. Birth certificates at the VCHD only cover Vanderburgh County births. Individuals requiring birth or death certificates from other counties must contact those counties’ health departments for records.

Please call the Vital Records Division of the VCHD at 435-5681 or 435-5814 if you
have questions.

Getting a Birth or Death Certificate?
As of January 1, 2010
To Get A Certificate ~ Here is What You Need…
Who’s Eligible to obtain a Certificate:
1. The individual can complete form with proper info and ID.
2. Person named on record over 18 (under must have letter from parent).
3. Parents of person named on record (must be listed on record).
4. Sibling over 18 with proof of relationship to at least one parent.
5. Grandparents (must be parent of a parent on the record & show proof of relationship).
6. Child over 18 of person named on record with proof of relationship.
7. Spouse, with proof of relationship (ex: marriage license, birth record of child, insurance card).
8. Court Appointed Legal Guardian (must provide guardianship papers with seal).
9. Attorney representing person named on record (must have I.D. for self and I.D. with permission letter from person named on record.).
10. Caseworker from Division of Family & Children with court appointed guardianship paper (must show I.D.).
11. Law Enforcement personnel with I.D. and court order.
12. Adult child or grandchild (proof of relationship).

Secondary Documentation 2 required:
Police report (if individual reports their I.D. has been stolen).
Fire report (if individual reports their I.D. was destroyed in fire).
Employment I.D. with signature, photo, date of employment or employee address.
Copy of signed employment application.
Bankcard with signature (not credit cards) or personal check with current information.
Voter Registration with signature.
Vehicle Registration with signature.
Previous year’s tax return with signature and social security number.
Welfare, Food Stamp or WIC I.D. cards.
Probation documents or statement from Probation Officer on letterhead, including person’s name and date of birth.
Letter from BMV or Social security Administration that shows individuals name and date of birth.
Certified copy of marriage license application showing individuals name, date of birth, parents and signature.
Signed Leases or loan agreements.
Expired driver’s license (not more than 6 months).
Club membership card with signature or photo.
Gun permit with signature.
Social Security card.

Primary Documentation (All documents MUST be current and valid):
Valid Driver’s License, Military I.D., State I.D. card, Valid Passport.
Department of Correction I.D. (issued within past 6 months).
School I.D. with signature and photo.
Court Order (must order local health dept. to release record to person named on the record).

- Submitted by Don Counts from Chris Allen MT (ASCP) SH Laboratory Director

Friday, December 18, 2009

"Old School Houses"

Just like old barns, we can find old school buildings that are just abandoned... left to fall down and eventually vanish along with its history.

This small brick school house (School No. 4) is located in Parkers Settlement in Posey County, Indiana.
The building seems in reasonably good shape, considering it was built in 1892 as indicated by the corner stone pictured below. I tried to learn what I could about this school and the names listed in the Posey County history books at Willard Library, but I did not find anything.
Abandoned schools made of wood or bricks can be found throughout the tri-state area. Some have recorded histories, but for many the building has lasted longer than its students and anyone that knows about any part of its history.
- Photos taken & submitted by Linda L. Young-Niemeier

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tombstone Thursday - Moss

Here lies Doug Moss...
Not all was a loss,
Cause Doug got his wish...
That last big fish!
- by JGWest

- Photo submitted by Don Counts (twice) & Ken Gilkey (once). Photo from
[Tombstone Thursday is dedicated in memory of Donald G. West 1952-2000]

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

From the FIRST MATE's


Photos with a horse were very common in the early 1900's as was someone holding a pistol or rifle.

The photo below was given to me by a cousin from the John Logan Long family (brother to my ancestor, Byron Allen Long). We do not know who this is... he may be from the Long line or the Gardner line. John's wife was Ruby Gardner.
If anyone should happen to know, please let us know!

- Submitted by Lori Hanes

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Research Tips

I spent about 20 hours in St. Mary's Hospital Sunday evening through half of Monday... I had chest pains. It was discovered that it was not my heart (I had a heart attack in 1992). My diabetes was really the culprit with my sugar reading being consistently very high. I am doing well, now. I mention this because it reminded me of when I had my heart attack and while there, with the doctor's permission, I judged the Warrick County 4-H Genealogy Project Notebooks for the County 4-H Fair in my hospital room while my heart was being monitored.

When I give genealogy workshops to 4-H'ers, I point out that birth & death certificates are issued in the county that the event occurred, not necessarily where they lived. For example, many from Warrick County should suspect that missing vital records (birth or death) might be found in Vanderburgh County where there have been at least 3 hospitals that these events might have happened.

Now, Warrick County has a hospital in Boonville. Even with the fact that there is a hospital in the county where your ancestor lived, the family might prefer another hospital in a nearby county. St. Mary's Hospital is Catholic based and might attract Catholics from counties that may have another hospital. Evansville's St. Mary's and Deaconess Hospitals are large and might be used at the doctor's request or because of the ability to perform certain procedures that smaller facilities can not.

The tip is to look for these types of records (if not found in county of residence) in nearby counties with hospitals.

- submitted by JGWest

Sunday, December 13, 2009

"Captain of Coal Industry is Dead"

Evansville Courier Tuesday, October 19, 1909

David Ingle, Sr., wealthy coal mine operator of Oakland City, who was born in Evansville and had hundreds of friends here , died at 6:15 o'clock yesterday evening of typhoid fever. His end was not unexpected. Mr. Ingle was a grandson of the original John Ingle who came to America in the early nineteenth century and located at Inglefield, a town later named for him. The Ingles were prominent in the development of the city. John Ingle, Sr., built the house at First and Cherry streets where Judge Gilchrist now resides. It was in this building that David Ingle, who died yesterday, was born.

Shortly after his marriage to a Miss Burbank, daughter of a wealthy farmer living on the Stringtown road, Mr. David Ingle removed to Oakland City. This was more than 25 years ago. he has lived there ever since and had acquired a fortune of at least a quarter of a million dollars in coal mine properties. Mr. Ingle was a frequent visitor to Evansville. He was known as a man of indaftigable energy plain in his speech, simple in his habits and an enemy to frills of all kinds. He was of sterling character, a conservative investor and always made his word as good as a bond. He was admired by everyone who knew him or was fortunate enough to be listed among his personal acquaintances. Among the coal operators of this end of the state he was a towering figure whose judgement always carried great weight and whose advice was nearly always found to be right.

Mr. Ingle was 58 years old. He had been ill for three weeks with typhoid. His nephew, Dr. Ingle, of Evansville, and Dr. Edward Linthicum, of Evansville, were called in as consulting physicians a week ago when his care grew alarming. A wife and four children: David, Jr., William D., and Miss Catherine of Oakland City, and Mrs. William Debb of Los Angeles, survive. A brother, Robert Ingle, lives in Princeton. There are two brothers in California. Mr. Ingle was interested in the Ingle mines in Evansville for a time but sold them recently to James Moore and his local associates. He owned a tract of land known as the south end of Coal Mine hill, which the city has been desirous of purchasing. He owned mines at Ayrshire, Linton, Jasonville, Terre Haute, Danville, Ill. and was interested with partners in other mines. News of his death was received by his long time friends in Evansville with great regret last night. The funeral arrangements have not been made.

- Submitted by Taneya Koonce