Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Happy Easter"


Rock Chapel... Jasper, Indiana

Thanks to Ernie Payne, on our way home from Spring Mill, we stopped in Jasper to see the open rock chapel on the grounds of St. Joseph Catholic Church. It is made up of round (ball-shaped) rock formations called geodes that are cemented together. Ernie & I share a love of geology and fossil collecting. Don Counts took this photo. Others in the SUV were driver Ken Gilkey, Chris Myers & J.D. Strouth.

The six of us (plus Robert Hall, Rex Legler, & Ed Hitchcock) of the Ohio Valley Chapter of SAR attended the Indiana Society of SAR Annual Meeting in Spring Mill Park on Saturday. J.D., Don & I were re-elected to our State SAR Offices

Easter Blessings to All!

- Photo of Rock Chapel taken & submitted by Donald R. Counts

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