Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Memorial Bookmarks


Memorial Bookmarks
are nicely laminated obituaries
from the local newspapers.

These are often called "tribute" or "memorial" cards, but are most often used as a bookmark for a favorite passage in the Bible. Commercial companies will laminate the obituary and send a copy free to the contact person for the deceased with the sales pamphlet to purchase more of them to give as thank-you gifts (they include additional memorial services & products). Don Counts submitted 2 of his parents and I have included one of my grandfather back in 1959. Click on the images below to get a larger image that is easier to read & see the detail of these bookmarks.

These memorial bookmarks can make great fillers for the blog when I do not have other items to post. If you have one or several, send them to me. I will not know when I will post any of them, but will try to get what I have within the month they were submitted. It would be nice if the ones we get are 1960 or earlier (at least 50 years), but if you want to send one more recent that will be ok. I will post them in the order of the oldest date of death, first.
- Written by JGWest
- Images submitted by Don Counts & JGWest

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