Monday, May 17, 2010

Armed Forces Day Weekend

Are you aware of Armed Forces Day...
Many Americans are not familiar with the holiday unless they are a veteran or had someone in the military service. It is celebrated on 15 May of each year. Saturday was the day this year. The Ohio Valley Chapter of the Indiana Society Sons of the American Revolution conducted a meeting on Saturday and marked the day by displaying flags of each of the five major branches of our Armed Forces.

TSGS member Don Counts was at that SAR meeting. Don is also a member of the Indiana Patriot Guard Riders - members attend military funerals at the request of the families to ensure that protestors are kept away from the funeral ceremony. We do live in strange times! Don went after our morning meeting with the Patriot Guard to tour cemeteries where soldiers that were killed in action are buried in southwestern Indiana.

Don served in the U.S. Marines and is shown above wearing his Patriot Guard shirt saluting the U.S. Flag at our SAR meeting in Willard Library.

- Photo taken by JGWest
- Submitted by Don Counts

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