Wednesday, May 12, 2010



TSGS prepares for 2010-11...

At last night's monthly meeting we had more business than normal, we voted to provide the Book Acquisition Committee another $200 to make a total of $2,200 for purchasing research materials for the genealogical collection at Willard Library. We will be joining Willard in its "Tree Tops" workshop for this fall. We will be financing the cost of the speaker for this free event. Mary Lou Bevers & John West were appointed to serve as liaisons with Lyn Martin for the workshop. Another appointment made was Terry Winchester as the Official TSGS Webmaster... he will be adding more information that will benefit members & the genealogical community - I am pleased to have him "onboard!"

Karin Marie Kirsch was elected to complete the term of office for Recording Secretary that was vacant due to a resignation (our fiscal year ends on 31 June 2010). It was announced that Hal Kasper had passed away on 01 May 2010 and as is the custom of TSGS any member officially announced as being deceased a book fund may be collected to purchase a book in that person's name. A small amount was donated during the meeting from 2 members.

Vannetta McDowell asked for volunteers to help fold the remainder of 2,300 flyers for Midnight Madness which included our TSGS Membership Renewal Notice (our regular TSGS Web Page has a printable form available, as well). About 8-10 people folded them during the meeting and got the job done! Thanks to each volunteer, these should go out by Friday of this week!

The society voted to start our TSGS meetings for 2010-11 to begin at 7PM instead of 7:30PM which will help us get out of the library by 8:30PM for the Willard Staff to secure & lock-up the building.

Election of Officers & Directors was conducted with the following elected:
President - John G. West
Vice-President - Doug Korb
Treasurer - Bettie Cook
Recording Secretary - Karin Marie Kirsch
Corresponding Secretary - Sue Hebbeler
Program Chair - Becky West
Membership Chair - Don Pierce
Packet Editor - Brenda Legate

Board Directors ~
Larry Goss, Rena Goss, Janet Mann, Gloria Strott, Mary Lou Bevers, Don Counts.

Congratulations to each and a special "Thank You!" for serving. At the June 8th. meeting the newly elected officers will be installed.

John G. West, TSGS President

1 comment:

  1. For the meeting program, Mary Lou had us to split up into two groups with Larry Goss leading a discussion concerning archiving digital databases and other records or files, while Mary Lou Bevers lead a group with finding pitfalls during research. I sat in Larry's group and everyone got a big laugh when Larry got a mental block and could not think of the name of a certain item... a memory chip!!!! LOL!
