Friday, June 4, 2010

Train Passenger Car at Evansville Museum


The Tennessee Club Car
of the Louisville & Nashville (L&N) Railroad.

This car along with several other cars, caboose & engine are on display at the special Evansville Museum Transportation Center (EMTRAC). I had another blog concerning this exhibit on May 24th. [Click on the date to see that blog. Click on photos for larger images.]

This is the bar room & diner section of the Tennessee Club Car. Becky is waiting for her order.

The placard above tells how this club car played a role in American politics. First in 1952, it was used by General Dwight D. Eisenhower in his successful campaign for United States President. It was used again in 1964 by Lady Bird Johnson as she campaigned in the South for her husband President Lyndon B. Johnson.
If you look past my ghost-like reflection you can see the placard above on the wall. I liked the effect of looking into the Tavern Lounge of this club car through the door.

- Photos taken & submitted by JGWest

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