Saturday, June 5, 2010

From the FIRST MATE's


Two more of the Evansville public pools to open today!

This is the new pool in Howell Park that was dedicated last July and one of the two to open today.
Red Mosby was known as the "Mayor of Howell" to most living in the Howell area on the far West side of Evansville. Red served as Perry Township Trustee for 43 years. I knew Red for over 35 years. He was a powerful, hard working Democrat in the area. When he was running for re-election, Red had a simple but effective slogan: "Don't help me out, help me in!"
Above is the dedication plaque. Below is a photo of the big pool and play equipment.
Below is pic of the wading pool and aquatic play gym.

- Photos taken & submitted by JGWest

Friday, June 4, 2010

Train Passenger Car at Evansville Museum


The Tennessee Club Car
of the Louisville & Nashville (L&N) Railroad.

This car along with several other cars, caboose & engine are on display at the special Evansville Museum Transportation Center (EMTRAC). I had another blog concerning this exhibit on May 24th. [Click on the date to see that blog. Click on photos for larger images.]

This is the bar room & diner section of the Tennessee Club Car. Becky is waiting for her order.

The placard above tells how this club car played a role in American politics. First in 1952, it was used by General Dwight D. Eisenhower in his successful campaign for United States President. It was used again in 1964 by Lady Bird Johnson as she campaigned in the South for her husband President Lyndon B. Johnson.
If you look past my ghost-like reflection you can see the placard above on the wall. I liked the effect of looking into the Tavern Lounge of this club car through the door.

- Photos taken & submitted by JGWest

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tombstone Thursday - Bruce (Ambrose)


I was born in Evansville, Indiana...
and attended first & second grade at Highland Grade School. We moved to the country after Servel had moved out of town to St. Louis. There, I attended the school in Selvin, IN from the third grade to my Freshman year of high school in 1962. Indiana had a massive school consolidation that year, closing many of the smaller, rural high schools with Selvin being one. We would become part of the Class of 1965, but graduating from at least 4 or 5 different high schools. There were only 15 of us "Baby Boomers" in that Selvin Freshman Class in 1962. In 2000, this class decided to start having a class reunion for that freshman Selvin High School Class on Sunday during Memorial Day weekend. This past Sunday we held our 11th. reunion. Of the 15, two had died before we started meeting. With 13 remaining only one has not been able to make any of the reunions. For today's "Tombstone Thursday" I wanted to honor the two of our Freshman Class that died before the reunions began.

Above is the grave of Mike Ambrose who discovered that his birth father was a "Bruce" and he changed his name to his father's name. We knew him as Mike Ambrose in school. I placed a single blue flower at the base of his marker for our class. He was buried in the Selvin Cemetery next to his younger brother Gregory Ambrose.
Arnold Bruce came to Selvin School when we were in the 5th. grade; and, from the first day of school that year, we became best of friends... which lasted until Selvin High School was closed. Arnold is buried in a cemetery in Degonia Springs, Indiana (about halfway between Tennyson & Boonville). I left two blue flowers at his grave... one for our class and the other for being an important friend as we were growing up.
Two others did not live to our Freshman year: Bobby King & Johnnie McNeely. The Selvin High School Freshman Class of 1962 miss all four very much. Rest in peace classmates!

- Photos taken & submitted by JGWest (30 May 2010).
[Tombstone Thursday is dedicated in memory of Donald G. West 1952-2000]

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Graphic Photos of Viet Nam War

This day after Memorial Day,

I had nothing to post on the blog. Ed Hitchcock sent me a link to a very interesting site showing 141 photos surrounding the Viet Nam War. These photos show a lot of what the war was like for American soldiers and how those at home dealt with the war. Go to this link to know why we have Memorial Day!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Marker/Plaque/Monument Monday - Memorial Day!


On this Memorial Day...

let us remember our soldiers who have died in the line of duty along with all U.S. veterans and U. S. troops around the world.

This monument is one of the best I have seen for a soldier. It is in Alexander Memorial Park Cemetery, Evansville, Indiana. Photo is showing the upright portion of the tombstone.
Above is the military marker for SPC Darren Alan DeBlanc (Bronze Star & Purple Heart Medals). He died while on active duty in Iraq on 29 Apr 2005 at the age of 20.

Above is a photo of his full marker.
- Photos taken & submitted by JGWest

Sunday, May 30, 2010

From the FIRST MATE's


Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend...
is a great day to visit, decorate & remember those who died for our country while on military duty. We should take this opportunity to remember other soldiers, family, ancestors & friends who have gone before us. Becky & I each year remember about 80 people that have come before us. Friday afternoon, we traveled around to the graves near us to remember family. The following are some photos I took.

This little "lug" type flag holder is the first I have seen honoring a Viet Nam Veteran. It is at the grave of Sgt. William Payne in the James Parker Cemetery, Hatfield, Indiana. We were here to decorate a WWII vet Robert H. Meredith, Jr. (Becky's birth father).

Sgt. Payne's grave is well decorated. Note the inscription at the base of his marker: "A grateful nation honors his memory and gives recognition for his devoted and selfless dedication to the service of his country." These words summarizes what Memorial Day is all about!
It is important to remember family because we keep them alive in our minds & heart. I found this one to be special... notice the butterfly plaque and butterflies in the colorful boquet of flowers. This grave is in Alexander Memorial Park Cemetery in Evansville, Indiana.
We decorated my younger brother's grave at Oak Hill Cemetery in Evansville. Don did not serve in the military, but he was very patriotic. He love music and played guitars in several small bands. He died young of a heart attack. Don helped me often in researching our family history.
These praying hands at Alexander Memorial Park Cemetery reminds us to remember prayer for our troops around the world and to pray for family & friends.
And here is a link to some military & patriotic music & songs that should get you in the mood to remember those who have marched ahead of us: Gene Simmons (of KISS) Military Tribute.
- Photos taken & submitted by JGWest