Sunday, February 20, 2011



TSGS Award Presentation
19 Feb 2011
Warrick County 4-H Center
Boonville, Indiana
4-H Genealogy Project
Danielle Wire

I am at the presentation table about to announce the 2011 Glenda K. Trapp Memorial Award Certificate to Danielle Wire. This award is given annually to 4-H members who have excelled in the 4-H Genealogy Project work. The award is sponsored by the Tri-State Genealogical Society. As the TSGS 4-H Coordinator, I have the honor to present the award. Danielle could not be present... the President of her Degonia 4-H Club, Elizabeth Lewis, accepted the award in her absence. (The photo of Miss Lewis did not come out clear.)
[L-R: John G. West, Kailee Taylor (4-H member of the 4-H Council), Carla Kidwell (Extension Educator, 4-H Youth)]

I am dressed in my Revolutionary War Uniform to present another National Award sponsored by the Indiana Society Sons of the American Revolution. I serve as State Chair of the 4-H Youth Awards. The award is a lapel pin for Outstanding Citizenship. The County 4-H organization selects the winner based on Achievement through Community Service, Leadership & Citizenship. This year's winner was the most impressive of those I have presented in the past. Congratulations to Katelyn Mehling of the Lakeside 4-H Club.

Katelyn Mehling
2011 SAR Outstanding Citizenship
Award Winner
Katelyn Mehling, 2011 Outstanding Citizenship Award Winner for Warrick County.
[Click on image to enlarge... Miss Mehling is holding her SAR lapel pin.]

- Top photo taken by Bree Neely
- Bottom photo taken by Katelyn Mehling's mother.
- Compiled by JGWest

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