Wednesday, April 13, 2011

TSGS Meeting Report For Those Not In Attendance


TSGS Annual Dinner Meeting 2011

I did not take an actual count, but I estimate about 30 people made it to the dinner last night. About 7:00 as President, I called the meeting to order announcing that the deadline for the next issue of the Tri-State Packet (our quarterly membership journal) is this Friday, 15 April. We recognized three individuals for significant contributions to our society and to the genealogical community. These awards, created over 30 years ago, may go to members or non-members and generally not given to TSGS officers for doing the job they have been elected to do. The first "TSGS Certificate of Appreciation" award announced was to Pastor John F. Schroeder for is work with Zion UCC records which resulted in the publication of these German church records in four volumes to date. The second award was presented to Don Counts for stepping up this year to fill any position that needed someone to get things done, including to agree serving as TSGS President for next year. The last one went to Becky West for also stepping up to serve (actually drafted) as TSGS Program Chair when we had no one and, then, agreeing to do it again next year! Becky is not a genealogist researcher but is a "spouse tag-a-long" or better "drag-a-long" to our meetings & events over the past 30 years. She has done a lot of typing and other routine chores for the 10 terms that her husband (me) has served as President.

This year, I felt that we needed saying a special "thanks" to those that present programs at our monthly meetings. I created a Certificate of Appreciation for these great programs we enjoy at each meeting. Those present to be recognized were Robert Hall: "The Legend of Washington Irving" - John G. West: "1871 Murder Confession" - Larry & Rena Goss: "Old Family Love Letters." Don Counts surprised me by presenting me a special gift in recognition of my long service to TSGS. Don gave me a DVD of a book he compiled "America's Godly Heritage."

Lyn Martin gave her Willard Library report. The President recognized the library staff that were present from the genealogical department, in addition to Lyn were: Peggy Newton, Vannetta McDowell, Pat Sides and John Scheer.

Becky West, TSGS Program Chair, introduced the program presented by Connie Conrad "Tombstone Art" a slide presentation. The slides were really interesting. I thanked Connie for her program and presented her with a TSGS Certificate for her entertaining program.

John G. West, TSGS President

1 comment:

  1. John, I showed up, but, I went to Willard! I sure got my dates mixed-up. I went upstairs and there were about 5 people there, so I figured I'd ask the lady at the desk where were the people for the meeting and she told me it was at the restaurant.

    Sorry I missed the annual dinner.
