Monday, June 27, 2011

Marker/Plaque/Monument Monday - Shandy Hall


Shandy Hall

Princeton, Kentucky

Shandy Hall was the home of William & Elizabeth Ford Prince. It was also a Tavern and Lodging place for weary travelers. Shandy Hall, was not only one of the earliest structures in this region but probably the first masonry building in western Kentucky. The settlement that developed there around Shandy Hall was originally known as Eddy Grove. It was built probably 200 feet above and behind the spring which is the beginning of Eddy Creek. The dark spot in the picture is where the spring comes up out of the ground. Elizabeth Ford Prince is also the mother of James Ford who was reputed to be the head of the Ford's Ferry Gang, who robbed and killed many unsupecting travelers.

Ken and I have the honor of portraying William & Elizabeth Prince each fall at Pennyrile Forrest State Park for the 5th. Grade Living History Program and again for the Historical Ghost Walk done by the Caldwell Co. Genealogy Society in the Cedar Hill (City) Cemetery each year in Oct. "I have read that Shandy Hall was from a book that was popular at the time; and, that Daniel Boone had written in some of his papers about stopping there." - Submitted by Peggy Gilkey

- Photos taken & submitted by JGWest

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