Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tombstone Thursday - Mom, Dad & Sgt. Martin


Each Memorial Day, Becky & I decorate the graves of family members who have gone before us. We always place a U.S. flag on the graves of those in the family that served in the military. Below is a photo of my parents grave in Alexander Memorial Cemetery in Evansville. Earlier I had a small flag for Dad that would touch soil if I pushed the flag pole in the ground, so I had to put it with the flowers in the vase... it did not show well and it distracted the pastel colors that Mom always liked in the flowers that I chose for her. So, I got a larger flag with a longer pole and brought ti to replace that short one as seen below.

We parked at the curb as we always do to get to Mom & Dad's graves. I noticed the grave of Zerah Martin with his marker right next to the curb. I have never seen any flowers on his grave or even an American flag that he served under during World War II... so, I decided this Memorial Day, I would remember Sgt. Martin. I placed the flag I had exchanged from Dad's grave on this soldier's grave & placed a few flowers by his marker to say thanks for serving our country when we needed him!
- Photos taken by JGWest

[Tombstone Thursday is dedicated in memory of Donald G. West 1952-2000]

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