Saturday, January 14, 2012

Call for Submissions to Add Variety

From time to time people send me items to publish in this blog. Pictures, links, tips, etc. all help me to have something for readers to learn or to just enjoy. The TSGS Cruiser Blog was created as one means of communication with members of the Tri-State Genealogical Society, as well as, provide interesting, educational & entertaining blogs for historians & genealogists including people who may not fit into any of those categories.

We created features in hopes that other people would submit items for those special features. Since we began this blog, we have gotten a lot of cool photos of tombstones for "Tombstone Thursday." "Monument Monday" seems to get quite a few photos of markers, plaques & other monuments. I enjoy the varied photos that get sumbitted for "The First Mate's Photo Album!" I have not used the feature "For My Sister, Tina" as much as I had hoped... this feature is to show through photos (mostly) what has changed in Evansville & the tri-state area since she moved from Evansville. The idea was to help those who moved from the area keep up with some of the changes. We have a lot, just in Evansville, that has changed in only a few years: the Ford Center; the new Central Public Library; cMOE for the kids; Amazonia & the new entrance at Mesker Park Zoo!

I have really fallen short on the feature to cover y-DNA info & developments. We get lots of links to cool genealogical sites and tips on how to research or "tricks" to find what we are looking for. I find many great things from the email lists that I am on or from FaceBook even!

For about a year or so, I had about 5 or 6 people who sent items on a regular basis for the blog... I still have one or two, but sure could use some others. Especially needed are stories about your research and the excitement of your finding that clue that led you through that "brick wall." We all want to hear those stories for the eternal hope that we can get through our walls someday, as well! I know that almost everyone has had a humorous story to share, especially, if you had young kids to drag along with your adventures of finding your roots.

You do not need to be a great writer to tell a story as it happened. You do not need to be a member of TSGS to share with us your photos, tips, information, stories, etc. You do not even need to be a family historian! If you want we can make your post or item submitted as "anonymous" - however, unless you request otherwise, I will always give you credit for what you submit.

Please send us something to share with the TSGS members, other genealogists & others who follow this blog.

A very BIG THANK YOU! to all that have contributed!!!

-Written by JGWest

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