Monday, January 9, 2012

Marker/Plaque/Monument Monday


Locust Hill Cemetery
Mausoleum Marker
Evansville, Indiana
This is the exterior wall of this beautiful mausoleum near the entry double doors. (Click on image to get a larger photo.)

I knew Rick Dickinson from my days of working in the Vanderburgh County Surveyors Office. After Rick was my ol' buddy Wayne Pasco (deceased) as the cemetery's Superintendent. I got to know the next Superintendent Jack Jones when I talked the Levee Authority Board into letting me use the crane we had to lift some large tombstones that vandals toppled. It was one of those days working with my crew that Jack came by and let me know that he was resigning and he suggested I apply for the new City Manager post that would oversee both city cemeteries. I applied after he resigned and finally ended with the position. After I cleared up some very long-standing problems at the cemeteries, someone else suddenly became better qualified for the job. Well, that is politics and it was a political appointment. I enjoyed my short tenure, nevertheless. By the way, I was the only Evansville City Manager of Cemeteries... the city changed the title back to Superintendent of City Cemeteries. The current Superintendent is Chris Cooke (another friend).

- Photo taken by JGWest. Article compiled by JGWest

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