Saturday, January 7, 2012

Photos of TSGS Christmas Social 2011


I better get these photos of the TSGS Christmas Social before our TSGS President gets upset with me (he has sent me numerous reminders to post these... sorry Don!)
So, Don, above is the nice photo I took of you! As compared to the one you took of me just after sticking some snacks in my mouth (below).

Below is a semi-group photo of some of our members enjoying treats & conversation. We had about 30 people show up during the night.

Two members who happen to be DAR members, as well.

This shot was taken from the Bayard Room's door across the tables... Becky West made some punch (the easy way!) that was a big hit. Another big hit was Peggy Gilkey's Pecan Pie... Ken is sitting there (at the table behind Sue) eating the last of the second pie!

The TSGS Program Chair that hosted the Christmas event was Becky West wearing her reindeer antlers that blink!

Everyone had a great time. Larry Goss & I were disappointed that no one brought a cheese ball, but there were plenty of great treats to keep us happy!!!

- Compiled by JGWest. Photos taken by Don Counts, except for the first photo.

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