Wednesday, January 11, 2012

TSGS Meeting Recap For Those Not Attending

We had a nice TSGS Monthly Meeting last night. President Don Counts led the meeting... he was not sure if he would make it back from an Indianapolis meeting earlier in the day. I was on standby as the Vice-President to to lead the meeting if needed. Click on photos to get a larger image.

Below is a view of most of those in attendance. I counted 24 people! An excellent crowd for a January meeting... great weather! The last two years we had to cancel the meeting in January due to bad weather.

In photo below our Secretary Kim Nightingale is reading the previous TSGS meeting minutes.

Below Diana Davis is giving the TSGS Treasurer's Report.

Becky West, TSGS Program Chair is introducing the night's speaker, Peggy Gilkey (seated on the right with the blue Colonial dress & straw bonnet). Her presentation was about the life of Elizabeth Grisom Claypool (better known as Betsy Ross).

In the photo below, Peggy had said that she wanted to impress me with her ability to make a perfect 5-pointed star with one-cut of the scissors as Betsy demonstrated to George Washington. She carefully folded it, and then snipped it one time... then from behind the poteem she showed us some paper dolls - I was impressed!!! :)

Then she showed us the 5-pointed star!

Peggy's husband assisted Peggy during the program showing several Colonial flags. Here he is showing the "Betsy Ross" U.S. Flag. Ken is wearing Colonial attire with a tri-corn hat.

After the program everyone got a chance to make a perfect 5-pointed star, not all qualified! :) But everyone had a lot of fun trying!

Before adjournment, attendance prizes were drawn. Ernie Payne won the first prize a genealogy book, JD Strouth & Irvin Conrad won a 2012 16-month calendar each. The calendars were donated by Peggy Gilkey.

- Compiled by JGWest

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