Sunday, February 19, 2012

Warrick County 4-H Awards Banquet 2012

TSGS President Don Counts & TSGS Vice-President John G. West present the Glenda K. Trapp Memorial Award Certificate to a very proud young lady - Madison McClane. The award is sponsored by the Tri-State Genealogical Society. Madison was recognized for her achievement in the 4-H Genealogy Project in Warrick Co., Indiana. John as the TSGS 4-H Coordinator presents this award in Vanderburgh and surrounding counties each year.John also serves as the Indiana Society Sons of the American Revolution state chair of the 4-H Youth Awards Program and annually presents an SAR Outstanding Citizenship Lapel Pin. This year's winner is Abigail Clark pictured below. John & Don also serve as state officers for the Indiana SAR Society. For many years John wore his Revolutionary War uniform to present this award. Then when presenting the TSGS genealogy award, John would say "switching hats" but did not have a different hat. This year John wore western attire (as did President Counts) to have a hat that might better match 4-H and then when awarding the SAR Citizenship award John put on a tri-corn hat worn by the Colonist during the Revolutionary War.TSGS members: Ken Gilkey, Peggy Gilkey, Betty Counts & TSGS Program Chair Becky West attended the awards event, as well.

- Photographers were Ken & Peggy Gilkey and Betty Counts

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