Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"What's her name?"

Recently on FaceBook, Megan Smolenyak had a photo of her newest book on a display table in a bookstore that someone had sent to her. Since I had read her book on DNA (of which I was very impressed), I thought that I might check this new book out in the near future.

I happened to be driving by Barnes & Noble yesterday and decided to see if I could get her latest book. I looked at their displays of new books, because I realized I did not remember the name of the book! So, I thought I would ask them to look her up, then I realized, I could not remember how to spell that last name - Smolenyak. The gentlemen was being polite, but I knew he was saying to himself "why me?" After he could not find her in the computer, he said that he would search under "genealogy" but found nothing new! He said without the correct spelling of the author's name or the name of the book, he was not going to find it (I actually came close to spelling the name, though). I said she is a very well known genealogist and asked if he had seen the TV show "Who Do You Think You Are?" He said he saw the show & thought it was interesting. I thought, wait, she wrote the book with that name! Flashing lights & sirens going off everywhere. Duh! LOL!!! With a book name, he found it easily. We then went to where they had the genealogy section hidden behind the children's books & toys. I got the WDYTYA book and her new one about America's roots showing! I already had her DNA book! It goes to show you that genealogists may not always be able to knock down brick walls, but we sure can trip over them! 8^)

- Compiled by JGWest

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