Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What's New on the TSGS Cruiser Blog?

Several times in the last week or so, I have asked if anyone could spot what is different or new to the blog page for our society. I got some very good responses, but not anything new... just items not noticed!

If you look just above the date & title for this blog, notice: "Next TSGS Meeting" with date, speaker & topic of program. This is new!!! What is nice about it is simply that it will be near the top of the blogs every day and I can easily change it from month to month or in the event the speaker cancels or changes the program. I can put here that a meeting has been canceled for whatever reason, generally due to bad weather.

Now, if anyone wants to know the date of the next meeting or who is talking about what... it will be there where it can easily be seen without scrolling through looking for the meeting notice blog. I want to point out that if you wanted to see this same info, you can look under the "Blog Archive" or under the "Labels" listed in the left-hand column of this site. And you can always go to the "TSGS Main Deck" on the society's Internet Web Site: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~intsgs/index.html under "Upcoming Events" about half way down the page.

- Written by JGWest, TSGS Cruiser Blog Master & TSGS Web Master

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