Friday, May 4, 2012

Professional Baseball in Evansville

Professional Baseball in Evansville, Indiana
I stopped by Willard Library this morning as I was out doing some errands... thought I would check out some new leads to Newberry Co., SC for my Williams family.  Peggy Newton was busy working on her display for May for the Genealogy/History Department on Willard's second floor.  She was putting together some display boards to put up behind the counter.  Peggy had already completed a great looking display case exhibit at the top of the steps at the entry door to the second floor.  The photo below is the title of the case and the display boards behind the counter... "Play Ball!"  (That is a miniature bat in the case.)

 Below is an all-time Evansville baseball team with some baseball cards on either side.
Peggy busy putting together the last display board of four.  Peggy has put a lot of time & effort into this local history of professional baseball.  It is a must see exhibit!

 Some info about Evansville leagues from 1901- 1957 with some stats and a few photos.
 The Frontier League with the Otters was the board that Peggy was working on.  She had a lot of great photos of people like Don Mattingly, Gil Hodges and several others that she was not going to be able to use due to the lack of space.  Stop by Willard to check this exhibit out... you will enjoy it!  Let Peggy or one of the librarians know how you liked it.
- Photos taken by JGWest

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