Sunday, June 3, 2012

Adventures of Indiana Bones!


Field Trip First Aid Kit

Anytime that you go on a genealogical research trip, consider it to be a field trip that may end up in the the woods or on some back road somewhere that no one has been for years (or so it might seem). I have gone to Kentucky to check out a local library and asked for records about a particular surname as someone else over heard me. This person would know of my particular family and will tell me where they are buried and give me detailed instructions on how to get there. The next thing you know I am in this old cemetery that has not had a burial for over 50 years and basically abandoned. Briars are everywhere... there might be some poison ivy by that one grave marker that is leaning. I can see a marker with the surname I am looking for, but an old tree has fallen down that will make getting to it difficult. I am wearing shorts and have nothing to cut my way through all of the briars, but I am a genealogist determined to get answers. Then, I get a large scratch from the briars and begin bleeding... I will have to come back another time - sadly it may be years before I get the chance again! If only I had prepared for a possible field trip, chances are I would get to check this out, take a few photos and be on my way. I might have brought along a pair of long-legged pants that I could have put on at the library restroom. I could have brought along something to cut away a few of the briars. And if I had a first aid kit I could have better tended to any scratches or other problems. Indiana Bones is always prepared for almost anything (not everyone is like me), but you should have a decent first aid kit in your car at all times. Some things you should consider having in a good kit:
  • Adhesive bandages (4-6 of several sizes).
  • Sterile gauze pads to clean and cover wounds.
  • Bandage tape to hold gauze pads in place (maybe include some string or cord).
  • Insect sting solutions like baking soda.
  • Antiseptics such as alcohol, iodine or hydrogen peroxide to clean wounds. [Tip an important treatment is to wash the wound thoroughly with soap and running water.]
  • Soap and bottled water (milk jug) to clean wounds and wash hands. [Bring along separate drinking water.]
  • Instant cold pack to reduce swelling of injuries.
  • Tweezers to remove broken glass or splinters.
  • Good cutting scissors.
  • Matches, flash light, pen knife.
  • Finger splints to support an injured finger.
  • Aspirin (ibuprofen, Tylenol, acetaminophen [non-aspirin]).
  • Sunscreen lotion, lip moisturizer, etc.
  • Insect repellent (Deet for skin and/or Permethrin spray for clothing).
  • Antacid, cough medications, cold/flu medicine.
  • Moisturizers for burns, calamine lotions for poison ivy, etc.
  • Medical information about each person that might be with you, including allergies and emergency contact information (doctors, etc.). Bring personal medications!
  • Ink pen and notepad... this one you should have just because you are a genealogical researcher!
  • A cell phone and a GPS to get you help or find your way out, back to somewhere you know.
  • Water-proof case to carry everything.
  • Wash cloth and bath towel (which could be used as a sling for arm injuries).
There are lots of other items that you might add to customize the kit from your experiences.  Indiana Bones and McGuyver highly recommend a roll of duct tape, as well!!!

- Compiled by Indiana Bones

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