Sunday, June 17, 2012

TSGS Meeting Report

Report on the TSGS Meeting held on Tuesday 12 Jun 2012

We had a small attendance of about 16 for this meeting, with 10 attendance prizes providing most with something to take home!  The weather has been so nice that we should have held the meeting outside!  Click on photos to see a larger image.
 Photo of some of the members just before the meeting was called to order by President Don Counts.  Several people were still researching on the microfilm machines in the back.  Willard Library is a great genealogical research library and is so beautiful inside & out.
 Above is pictured those officers elected for 2012-13 that were in attendance - from L-R: Sue Hebbeler, Corresponding Secretary; Larry Goss, Director; Rena Goss, Director; Becky West, Director; Kim Nightingale, Recording Secretary; John G. West, Vice-President; Don Counts, President.
 Becky West, the out-going Program Chair, after thanking the society for having a non-genealogist for 2 years as the Program Chair, read a brief humorous account of the Vincent Van Gogh Family Tree.  Then she introduced Indiana Bones (pictured below) to present his "Field Trip Health & Safety Tips!"  This was Indiana Bones first public appearance.  Since, John West was tagged as a "Cemetery Geek" by the Evansville Courier, Becky came up with the name of Indiana Bones for the TSGS Cruiser Blog and to give programs as this character.  John is shown with some of his gear: hat, walking stick, cemetery bag.  During the short session on tips, Indiana Bones pointed out some ideas of what to carry on field trips to a cemetery ("cemetery hopping"). A hand-out with suggested items for a first aid kit & a cemetery bag was passed out to all present.
Photos taken by Carol Lantaff, Larry Goss and JGWest.

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