Tuesday, August 21, 2012

TSGS Membership Dues

Our Membership Dues are...
still only $12/year!!!

If you have not paid your renewal dues for fiscal year 2012-13, please fill out the Membership Form on the TSGS Web Site and send in your dues before 01 Sep 2012. 

The cost of sending out the member's quarterly journal The Tri-State Packet to individuals not included in the bulk mailing is very high... so we have to charge extra for late memberships.  After 01 Sep 2012, membership dues go up to $14.  Please send in your dues ASAP!

Interested in joining the Tri-State Genealogical Society for the first time, just fill out the membership form and send in the $12 dues... it is that simple!

Donald R. Counts, TSGS President

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