Saturday, June 23, 2012

Willard Library Special Collections Added A New Feature!

The Special Collections Department did not have any books or other media that could be checked out and brought to your home.  However, Lyn Martin, Special Collections Librarian, has announced its new circulating library with check-out for home use.  Mostly "how-to-books" and manuals with some videos.  It is a nice start for some great material that requires more study or reading.  Click on the photo below for a larger image that you should be able to read many of the books that are available.  I have already checked out a book on DNA genealogical social networking.
- Photo taken and submitted by JGWest.

Friday, June 22, 2012

"Published Family Records"


I have a wonderful 4th. cousin from Hopkinsville, Kentucky (Christian County).  Tommy Henderson descends from our common ancestor, Thomas West, Jr. who came to Christian Co. about 1806-09 to the area not far from where Dad was born in the Ovil Community.  Thomas West came from Chatham County, North Carolina.  My cousin Tommy, as an active member of his local SAR chapter, invited me back for another presentation of my "Flags Over America" program to be given to the DAR/SAR Annual Joint Meeting Dinner.  I gave this program before to this same group about 3-4 years ago.  Tommy said with all of the newer members and those who saw it before wanted me to return!  The truth of the matter might be that they could not get anyone else, but I will go with what they told me about liking to see all of my flags and learning more about them.

At any rate, Becky & I had a great time at the meeting... it is great to visit with a lot of my father's family although many are somewhat distant cousins.  Quite a few of those present qualified for Daughters or Sons of the American Revolution through Thomas West, Jr. with most - I had no idea how we were related.  Others present shared a common ancestor in other lines: Rager, Martin, Williams, Buckner, Woodis, etc.  Tommy Henderson and I share about 4 common ancestors and their spouses.

The dinner (my wages for the program) was absolutely great!  Most was even diabetic healthy foods!!!  And what was not, was really good!!!  Everyone in attendance was very friendly and nice to us.  I think my presentation was very well received and each learned something new, including me!  Setting-up and taking down all of my flags takes some time & work, but the task was much easier with help from Tommy, Eddie Deason and Chad Word... which I deeply appreciate.  But the highlight of the whole evening was the gift Tommy gave me for giving my program... his book on the 8,201 descendants of Thomas West, Jr. that he had compiled from his extensive records.  This 958 page hard-bound book must have cost over $50 to publish, but it is not about the money... it is about this wonderful collection of cousins and direct ancestors that are listed in this book, all 8,194 of them (I am one of the listed, along with my 3 siblings and 3 sons - I have 2 more descendants, my grandkids that are not listed).

I can not think of a better gift for a genealogist than the book that Tommy gave me.  And from this book I am able to easily sort out how so many at the dinner were related to me.  Thanks, Tommy!

- Written by JGWest

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tombstone Thursday - Bentle

Oak Hill Cemetery
Evansville, Indiana
Jack Bentle
Sylvia Bentle

 Jack is Becky West's first cousin in her adopted family.
 Jack's family has decorated the grave very nicely with flowers and vines, but look at the nice blue Humming Bird with wings that flutter in the wind!
- Photos taken and submitted by Indiana Bones

[Tombstone Thursday is dedicated in memory of 
Donald G. West 1952-2000]

Sunday, June 17, 2012

TSGS Meeting Report

Report on the TSGS Meeting held on Tuesday 12 Jun 2012

We had a small attendance of about 16 for this meeting, with 10 attendance prizes providing most with something to take home!  The weather has been so nice that we should have held the meeting outside!  Click on photos to see a larger image.
 Photo of some of the members just before the meeting was called to order by President Don Counts.  Several people were still researching on the microfilm machines in the back.  Willard Library is a great genealogical research library and is so beautiful inside & out.
 Above is pictured those officers elected for 2012-13 that were in attendance - from L-R: Sue Hebbeler, Corresponding Secretary; Larry Goss, Director; Rena Goss, Director; Becky West, Director; Kim Nightingale, Recording Secretary; John G. West, Vice-President; Don Counts, President.
 Becky West, the out-going Program Chair, after thanking the society for having a non-genealogist for 2 years as the Program Chair, read a brief humorous account of the Vincent Van Gogh Family Tree.  Then she introduced Indiana Bones (pictured below) to present his "Field Trip Health & Safety Tips!"  This was Indiana Bones first public appearance.  Since, John West was tagged as a "Cemetery Geek" by the Evansville Courier, Becky came up with the name of Indiana Bones for the TSGS Cruiser Blog and to give programs as this character.  John is shown with some of his gear: hat, walking stick, cemetery bag.  During the short session on tips, Indiana Bones pointed out some ideas of what to carry on field trips to a cemetery ("cemetery hopping"). A hand-out with suggested items for a first aid kit & a cemetery bag was passed out to all present.
Photos taken by Carol Lantaff, Larry Goss and JGWest.