Saturday, August 29, 2009

Photo Contest - Frog Follies 2009


2009 Frog Follies Photo Contest
Vanderburgh County 4-H Center
Evansville, Indiana

Click on samples below to see the full size image. The contest is just for fun and to preserve one of the Evansville area's largest events... some 5,000 vehicles will be on display this weekend - all must be 1949 or older. The cars have come to Evansville over the last 35 years and is like an invasion... they are everywhere! You can go to the 4-H Center or just roam a little around town or out in the rural areas, too. At least two were at The Hornet's Nest in Earle, IN.

RULES for contest: First, there is no monetary award, just the honor of having your photo and name on this blog and preserving a little history. I will select at least six photos to display on "The First Mate's Photo Album" feature on Wed. 02 Sep 2009 of the TSGS Cruiser Blog. Other photos may be displayed between then & now, but may or may not be the final "winners." The photos may come from previous years, but must be from the Frog Follies (please include year). The photos may be of anything connected with the Frog Follies: cars, people, signs, etc. All of the vehicles are winners, so you need to find a neat way to present one or more of them or catch something that makes your photo stand out a little more than the other great photos. Send as many entries as you wish, but only 3 at a time, to John G. West You can send me an url to where you may have a photo album that I can pick from and save. Before I will post any photos, I must have the permission of the photographer to post them on the TSGS Cruiser Blog. If you want to have a copyright for the photo, please state that and it will be included. Include any comment or explanation if desired, your name, where from, if you know the year and make of vehicle, what year photo was taken if other than 2009. Thanks for helping us have some fun and preserve a little history... Good Luck to all!

The following are photos taken by Linda L. Young-Niemeier of Evansville. Click on the photos to enlarge!

- All photos taken by Linda L. Young-Niemeier

Friday, August 28, 2009

From the FIRST MATE's


Life on the Ohio River...

(click on photo to enlarge)

Tug boat pushing a coal barge upstream just down river from the Newburgh Lock & Dam.

-Photo taken by Chris Myers (05 Jul 2008)

Photo Contest...

Just for fun and to preserve a little history of the Evansville Frog Follies in its 35th. annual event at the Vanderburgh County 4-H Center on North U.S. 41, I have initiated a photo contest of anything to do with the Frog Follies - cars, people, whatever! You may enter as many photos as you wish and from any year... provide a note of what year photo was taken and if needed comments about photo. There is no monetary award, just credit for taking the photo & the honor to be posted on this blog. I will pick about 6 photos (maybe more) to be posted between now and Wed. Send your photos (3 or less at a time) to me at I have some photos, too. I will pick only one from my collection, if any. I already have some good ones from several people. So, submit your photos and join in on the fun! - JGWest

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tombstone Thursday - Harp

William & Mildred Harp
Oak Hill Cemetery
Evansville, Indiana

With a name like "Harp" you have to figure that the grave marker will have an image of a harp on it somewhere, right? Or... you might just decide to make the grave marker in the shape of a harp and that is exactly what was done for William & Mildred Harp!

(Click on images to enlarge)

- Photos taken & submitted by JGWest

[Tombstone Thursday is dedicated in memory of Donald G. West 1952-2000]

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

From the FIRST MATE's

The Tread of Life
DNA Exhibit in cMoe
[Childrens Museum of Evansville]
by Dean A. Strand 1997

Above is the artist's exhibit of the typical model of A Strand of DNA (interesting that his middle initial is "A" and his last name is "Strand!").

Above is the explanation of the artwork. Click on photos for larger view.
- Photo taken and submitted by JGWest

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Evansville Argus Wedding Story

On Sunday, August 9th, I took a visit to the Willard Library and met John & Brenda. While at the Willard Library I spent some time looking at the microfilm of the Evansville Argus, an African-American newspaper published in Evansville from 1938-1942. One of the items I photocopied while there that day was this wedding announcement of Luella Clay & Charles Jackson.

Evansville Argus
August 13, 1938

Young Couple in Beautiful Ceremony

The marriage of Miss Luella CLAY to Chearles [sic] JACKSON, both of this city, was solemnized last Tuesday evening at the home of the bride’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie BROWN, 64 E. Oregon. The Rev. Chas BROWN, pastor of the Little Zion, Baptist church Newburgh, Ind., officiated with the ceremony in the living room of the home.
The service was read before an improvised altar of palms, ferns, and lilies, with two six branch candelabra. Pink gladiolos and red roses were used throughout the house. Preceding the ceremony James ROACH sang, “I Love You Truly,” and played the “Bridal Chrous” from Lohengrin as the processional, and “O Promise Me,” during the service. Mr. ROACH played Mendelsshon’s Wedding March as the processional.

The bride, who was escorted to the altar by her uncle, Lewis BROWN of Boonville, Ind., wore a white chiffon gown with tight shirred bodice, very full, floor length skirt. She carried a corsage of white rose buds. Miss Virginia ADCOCK, maid of honor; Mertice SHANE was best man, and Leslie BROWN, uncle of the brides, served as groomsman.

A reception followed the ceremony. The three tiered wedding cake was topped with a small candle, and decorations of the dining room were in white and pink flowers. After a short wedding trip the couple will be at home to friends at 610 E. Oregon Street. The bride and groom are graduates of the Lincoln high school and are quite popular among the young social set of the city. The groom is a well known athlete, having been named as one of the best softball pitchers of the city. He plays with the Johnican All-Stars, leagued leader. Among the out-of-town guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Edmond BROWN, Mrs. Bertha McFARLAND, Miss Cecelia and Essie McFARLAND, and Lewis BROWN, all of Boonville, Ind. There were representatives from 5 generations of the BROWN family present at the wedding namely: mother, Mrs. Mary BROWN, daughter, Mrs. Lucy MOSS, granddaughter, Mrs. Bertha MCFARLAND, great-granddaughter, Mrs. Myrtie GREEN; great-great-granddaughter, Jeanette SHIRLEY.

After I'd typed this up to send in as a submission to the blog, I decided to see if I could locate this family. Well, I did and you know what I learned? That Mrs. Jackson died August 1st and on the same day that I was at Willard photocopying the description of her wedding, her obituary notice was published in the Evansville Courier-Press (see it here). Mrs. Jackson was 91 years old at the time of her death and was living in St. Louis, Missouri. I found her full obituary at ObitsArchive and was able to confirm this was indeed her husband Charles is mentioned and it is noted in the obituary that she was born in Boonville, Indiana. Her full obituary mentions other family members. Maybe I can find some of them and provide them with the newspaper article. I think Luella wanted this found, don't you?

- Submitted by Taneya Koonce

Monday, August 24, 2009

Marker/Plaque/Monument Monday

"Our Children: Loved, Missed and Remembered"

This is the message on the Childrens Memorial near the main entrance to the Vanderburgh County 4-H Center

(click on image to enlarge)
I saw this on FaceBook (on the Internet) and asked permission to use it here. From Linda L Young-Niemeier's Photos: "THIS IS WHERE WE HELD THE MEMORIAL FOR CALAB LAY WHEN HE WAS MURDERED BY HIS PARENT'S."

Sunday, August 23, 2009

"Good Time & Learning for All at Workshop"

Ron Darrah presented his workshop on "Obscure Genealogical Sources" inside Willard Library while several organizations & book vendors were under tents outside in the library's park.

Photo above taken by Lyn Martin right at the end of the four programs conducted by Ron Darrah far left. Going from Ron to the right is Bob Johnson (longtime TSGS member), Vannetta McDowell (Willard Staff Member, past TSGS Board Member), Graham Denby Morey (TSGS Member) and John G. West (TSGS President). I learned from this program that the 1930 US Federal Census includes two questions to help identify veterans... this I was not aware of. We all learned a lot more that may be available through school records. Graham & I attended Evansville College (U of E) together and are both members of the Ohio Valley Chapter of the Indiana Society Sons of the American Revolution (INSSAR). Ron is a member of INSSAR, as well.

This photo was taken by Don Pierce, just before I packed up the TSGS books to go back in the library's TSGS closet. This was the first time for me to set-up and man the TSGS table... I can honestly say that I now appreciate the work so many others have done in the past events working the TSGS table! Thanks to all of them! We did sell two books and got two membership renewals. The Posey County Historical Society (PCHS) members can be seen in the background taking down their information booth. Many working it were also active TSGS members. As a fund raiser for their cemetery preservation project, they were selling chocolate suckers (bars on a stick) that were in the shape of tombstones. They used Halloween candy molds to make them... really neat!
Several other vendors were present: Pat Gooldy of Ye Olde Genealogie Shoppe (one of the Evansville area all-time favorites) came all the way from Indianapolis and Brenda Joyce Jerome (TSGS Secretary) had a table of her publications with two or three other vendors there as well. Brenda watched the TSGS table while I was inside learning new things in the workshop.
It was a chilly, breezy, overcast day and we had a few light mists of rain... mixed with some sunny periods, too. Nice day for vendors outdoors (as long as you had a light jacket or sweater)!
Lyn Martin, Peggy Newton, Vannetta McDowell and several other Willard staff members did a great job of organizing and keeping this workshop going for Willard's first free all-day genealogical workshop. Congratulations and a big thank-you for a successful event. After 50 years of researching... I still learned a lot from this one day. Thanks to Ron Darrah for a very well conducted workshop. Many of us know him through the Indiana Society of SAR and others through his involvement in the Indiana Genealogical Society (IGS).